[quote=Zane620] "Meh it was just smoke to bother your lungs so you would wake up, I was assuming you were sleeping, yet found out you were up and moving. When she showed him the device he gave her a compliment yet a critique as well, and when he said those last few words her eyes widened a bit, as he pulled out a book and showed her former lieutenants Ryuu's data. She saw where eh was going with this, which made her look at her device and sigh in defeat. her device only allowed her to take control of Gillians, not counter a mans zanpakuto. he tried to make it seem like her device wasn't bad, but he was just being kind about it. he pulled out a red pill and explained that's what he used to control Gillians, it was indeed much smaller than her own device, and hers could only work on one at a time. Yet she wasn't so upset, this did make her realize how faulty her device was, in fact he himself gave her an idea. "Well I wont waste your time with showing the device off, not many features or better ones than countering a man zanpakuto, but that did give me an idea. I guess that the red pill can make Ryuu lose control of the hollows he previously took control of. Yet what if we could somehow make it so that when you spread it among the hollows, and with a simple switch they could explode, with the power of the explosion being greater the more powerful the hollow is? That way he might get injured anytime he chooses to use his zanpakuto's ability." [/quote] Kagiko listened to Nene speak then listened to her idea which he listened to then nodded "It sounds like an alright idea...however I'm going to work on something that'd make that a little more devastating whilst keeping our comrades safe from harm...After all, we don't want to be catching other Shinigami in the explosion now do we?" Kagiko then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand "I'd have the Head Captain on my case then and I'd rather keep his eyes away from us so we have more freedom to move freely and create things as we wish, within reason of course..."