"It doesn't matter what we want. There's nothing you can do to stop us at this point." The main guy told her. The driver was distracted with pulling into a parking lot. Next to it was an old factory. The main guy opened the back door to the car and pulled Evie and the Doctor, who was still pretending to be unconscious, out tossing them back over his shoulders. "Out and follow me." He directed to Nora. As they walked toward the factory Evie could just faintly hear the noise she had heard just before the Doctor rescued her the first time. The driver was a smaller guy than the kidnapper and he had to jog a bit to keep up with the larger man. They led the way into the factory and opened the door to the small room Nora had been locked in once before. The men didn't seem to notice the TARDIS sitting in the back corner of the tiny room. The kidnapper dropped Evie and the Doctor unceremoniously onto the floor. "We'll be back in a bit, just sit tight." He shoved Nora back into the room unnecessarily. As soon as the door was closed the Doctor hopped up to standing. "Well he's an oaf." She opened the TARDIS door and turned to pick up Evie. "I think I'll need a hand, we'll put her on the seat there. Guess it's a good thing I left your bags here."