Life in general has taken a turn for the worse with just about everyone these days. Mass oppression tends to do that, unfortunately. Although no Kingdom was able to defend against Umbra's growing might, the embers of hope still burn within the hearts of the rebellion, a scattered force that hide away, under the Empire's very nose. All around the continent, small groups do what they can to oppose the Empire - from picking off soldiers to simply smuggling items underground to prevent them from falling into the Empire's grasp. Thoug the lack of reliable communications means that they're all essentially separate armies that just so happen to have a common enemy. The cornerstone of the Empire's might seems to come from four specific generals, each wielding unfathomable power, and the biggest obstacle to wresting control of the continent from Umbra. Many have attempted to assassinate them, only to become examples of How Not To Anger The Evil Guys. Defeating them will prove difficult, but will surely be a huge boon to the rebel's success. Oh, but don't forget the thousands of soldiers under their command. Mooks may be mooks, but they're still enemies, after all. ------------------------- Righty-ho, time to establish some stuff, I guess. [b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] Most people are born with at least some 'mana' in their system. All this really determines is how good you are at magic. Those with no mana whatsoever can't use it, but that's hardly a downside; magic is a truly tricky thing to master. Even if you get the basics down, it could take a very long time before you can move on to more advanced spells. Like... making bigger fires. Additionally, while magic technically spans across many different variables, it's generally labelled under 'battle' magic and 'life' magic. Battle magic is pretty much your typical Black Mage deal: Fire, Thunder, Lotsafire, Toomuchthunder, Burn Everything To Ashes Tee Hee Hee and everything in-between. Likewise, Life magic involves healing, protection and recovery. As for magic that doesn't specifically fit in either category... those who find their magic is tied strongly to the environment are known as Geomancers. Those who find that they can influence weak-minded monsters are known as Beast Mancers... there are even those who can summon beasts to fight in their stead. [b][u]The Races[/u][/b] Of course, humans aren't the only sentient race in the world. Sure, they're by far the most common race, but the rest are hardly minorities.. [*]Beastkin: Although they seem to originate from Alacris and its surrounding territory, Beastkin are almost as widespread as humans themselves. And almost look as human as... well, humans. The main difference, physically, is that they also bear some semblance to beasts and animals. bearing strange ears, tails or other attributes. They also tend to live about twenty years shorter, on average.[/*] [*]Elves: Reclusive but not unheard of, these forest-dwellers may seem distant and cold, but they just generally prefer to keep to themselves. Notable perks for these guys is never dying of old age, and having a strong affinity for Life Magic.[/*] [*]Dwarves: These stout figures prefer the terrain of the mountains, and tend to be friendly chaps. Despite the stereotypes, dwarves aren't naturally master backsmiths; it's simply the most fun career prospect for them. Possessing great physical strength and endurance, there are few that can match a dwarf in sheer power.[/*] [b][u]The World[/u][/b] Before Umbra went and conquered everything, there were five kingdoms that made up the land. despite the occasional dispute, things were relatively peaceful between them all. Then everything changed when the Umbra Nation attacked. Umbra: The reason things are the way they are now. Suddenly attacking the other kingdoms with immense military power, they were able to conquer the continent without too much hassle eight years ago. King Lumina, now the Emperor, seems a very different man from the good old days. Situated at the north, bordering the Northwestern frozen wasteland of Gelum. Gelum: A land with few humans and many powerful creatures stalking the lands. Wen it comes to natural defenses and difficult terrain, this place certainly ranks up there. Despite the harsh conditions, what few people live there seem more than capable. Just a shame they were soundly beaten despite the home advantage. Quies: Spanning the center of the land, this particular kingdom was the smallest, but get bonus points for making a living in a desert land. They had just starting pioneering sand-powered technology when Umbra went and started trouble. Quite sad, really. Their former ruler was a Beastkin, Queen Seraphine. Solum: Solum, ruled primarily by the dwarves, is noted for being almost entirely mountainous or underground. Its borders stretching from the south to the east of the continent, this was the last Kingdom to fall to Umbra. The king and queen reportedly fell in battle, taking a sizable chunk of the Empire's army with them, Alacris: Situated in the Southwest, Alacris is noted for its general distaste of warfare, and even tried to negotiate peace with Umbra amidst all the invading. So tey're not the most warrior-ey of the Kingdoms, unfortunately. At least the rebels based there know better by now. [b][u]The Sign Up[/u][/b] [*]Name:[/*] [*]Age:[/*] [*]Race:[/*] [*]Appearance:[/*] [*]Abilities:[/*] [*]History:[/*] -------------------- Okay, think that'll do for now. Feel free to ask about stuff and such.