[b]Letter contained within a package given to all operatives taking part in the operation[/b] [i]Good morning/evening Operative, Let me be the first to express your countries deepest thanks for taking on this mission. Alot of people are dying and alot of people starving because of the instabilities in Africa. This little country in the center of the continent is like that little bit of tinder you put in a fire. It looks innocent enough, but with how Africa always has some little war going on somewhere, that little bit of tinder could cause the whole thing to go up in flames. Several differant countries, some members of NATO, some not so, have all agreed that something needs to be done. But while the country is embroiled in it's little internal conflict, we can't justify sending in a large force to calm it all down. We do that the NATO council gets on our asses like herpes. So the idea is to send in several solo operatives. Men and women who have been out of the military for awhile, but who still retain the skills they learned there. There will be several operatives in the country. You are not required to search them out and work with them, but many hands make short work. You are being given your choice of melee weapon and pistol to take in with you. As this operation is not funded officially by the government of your country we cannot send you in with a full kit. Don't worry, your primary target is a gun runner and black marketeer. He's flooded the country with old and new weapons. If nothing else, you can pick a weapon up off a dead body somewhere. Some of them are going to be pieces of crap, but who knows there might be a gem or ten somewhere in there. The pistol, your melee weapon and your infiltration method are the only things we can spring for. We want to be clear, if you should die during this operation, we don't know you, we can't afford to let it out that the governments in on this sent a wetwork team into the country. So be careful. Once your primary missions are complete, we can provide extraction. But only once that occurs. Be careful soldier. We're counting on you. Good luck.[/i] ------- Lazarus read the letter over once more then folded it up and slipped it into the front pocket of the jacket he wore. He looked over at the jump master of the plane he sat in. The man nodded, holding up three fingers. Lazarus got to his feet carefully, checking his parachute harness carefully. One of the other Canadian soldiers in the plane coming over to get a second eye on him. The second soldier gave him a thumbs up. Laz nodded. He carefully strapped on his kit. The trench knife went to the small of his back, where he could reach back safely and grab it. The pistol strapped to his right thigh in a quick draw holster. He rolled his shoulders. Preparing for the jump to come. He had chosen to go in by HALO jump. It'd be quiet, quick and easy, something he had learned back with The Pats. And something he did quite often with JTF2. The seconds ticked by. The Jumpmaster paced by him heading to the back ramp of the C-17 Globemaster. The massive plane had been picked because of it's long distance staying power. They needed it to get him in. It was a long way from any friendly landing strip. So it was strange that just 10 soldiers, a jump master, and Lazarus had been there, along with the flight crew. But the Canadian Government had though it best. The jumpmaster pulled the lever to open the back ramp. He pointed at Lazarus then gestured to a position close to the inner edge of the ramp. Laz stepped forward, and got into a runner's starting stance. He waited. Watching the red ligth out of the corner of his eye. The jumpmaster had a hand in the air, two finger showing. He lowered one finger and Lazarus tensed. The Jumpmaster dropped his next finger. Less then a minute left. The light turned green. The Jumpmaster gestured to the back of the plane. Lazarus pushed off, ran the last 10 steps then threw himself into the sky. He didn't see as the back ramp of the plane raised up almost as soon as he was clear. He didn't see the big jet turn out and head back to friendly territory. What he did see was the early morning clouds around him and the still slightly dark of dawn approaching. He sailed down through the clouds. Only his breathing his companion. He listened to the altimeter beep. As it hit 2000 feet after almost a minute of free fall he pulled his chute and began to drift down towards what looked like jungle. Lazarus hit ground, drawing his knife and cutting himself free from his harness. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him come down. He smiled, "Hello Africa...I'm back." He needed to find a safehouse so he could sit out the rest of the night. The rest of the operatives would be infiltrating this same night. All by similar or different means. He might have to try and track them down. The best place to do that, would be the central town, Bekalo. But that'd be something for later. For now, he needed to find a cave or a hut to deck down for abit. Lazarus crept into the jungle, as silent as he could. The hunt would begin soon enough.