Name: Jannia - The Weaving Healer. -- Age: 230-ish Race: Elvish Appearance: [hider=Dont Look Pls] [img=] [/hider] Abilities: [hider=Abilities Activate!] Elvish Greater Affinity- Aya is an Elf, having a strong affinity with life magic. Some say that her affinity is stronger that the average elf but she is no where near being a master in the art of healing in terms of experience. Her ability to heal on the other hand is astonishing as she can heal wounds at a very fast pace as well as being mana efficient while healing her patients. However she can exhaust quite quickly if she heals many people at a time, requiring her to take frequent brakes if she is healing large amount of people in one go as it very tedious job for her stamina and mana. Knowledgeable Doctor- Aya has extensive knowledge about healing. She is able to heal almost everything except for the fatal of wounds, like severed limbs or giant wounds. She also knows what kind of supplies that are needed for certain injuries, like a brace or maybe a splint. This is basically her non-magical form of healing. Her knowledge of healing also extends into Herbology, having her know where to search for herbs of different types depending on what she needs. Knowing what herbs that she needs to help her patient recover better with ease and comfort while limiting the pain that they feel. Expert Healer: Aya has many years to perfect her art of healing and has seen many gruesome scene on the field of battle, however she can reduce the casualties by healing who ever she can if they can be saved. She has been doing this for a long time now excelling in her art of speed healing, which can heal minor wounds and normal wounds at an astonishing rate. Larger wounds require more attention and energy to heal so she takes her times on them to make sure they leave no scars. Her healing magic's potency is enough to heal common poisons and cure very common illnesses and diseases. If these poisons and illnesses are not common then the best that she can do is stall out their effects for a certain time, combined with herbs it can buy quite some time, but not forever. Skilled Defense Mage: Aya needs to protect herself and her patients under heavy fire and has trained to provide defense that helps her heal her patients as well and prevent as much damage as she can. Her skills with defense spells are very creative and she can preform some interesting things with them if she needs them to, However her main amount of defense spells are the shielding ones. She can create a variety type of shield of a certain element to counter an opposing one, or create a barrier of force which can stop a attack as well. Adept Offensive Mage: Although Aya focuses most of her time on healing magic, she dabbles on part of the offensive side of magic and can preform small spells. She can lite fires or extinguish them, or maybe she will freeze small amounts of water and unfreeze them. Or maybe shoot small bolts of lightning or energy. At most she could fire out a large fireball about the size of a mellon but that would be streching her limits. But besides that, her offensive magical powers are fairly basic, barely having enough to send something back at her opponent if needed. [/hider] History: Aya for a long time lived with herself living peacefully. From a young age she was taught the art of healing, both magical and naturally. She was luckily talented for both of the arts and would grow to be a fantastic healer. However along her childhood, she was plagued her with strange vision, but they were only from her childhood and disappeared when she became older. During her teenage years she practiced more on healing and studying medicine from different kind of healers, learning various techniques to treat different types of illnesses. Over the years and into her adult years, she was now a known as a Power Healer being able to heal many of the sick during a plague helping to stop the plague from spreading further. But now after that, she decides to hide away from sight, only helping those whom come to her for her assistance and she will do the best in her powers to help them Its been a long time since Aya has participated in anything to do with the world for a while. She usual remained far away from conflicted in this world, but until recently she too has been threatened that if she didn't choose a side then she will be destroyed in the middle of things. This angered Aya a bit as she always preferred others to come seeking her help but now it was her turn to choose a side where she would be providing her support. And this is where she is now... Note: She can be discarded if wished but if she is allowed she will be the primary healer for the resistance in general. Not just to us, and will rarely be in our party unless it very important.