Like so? Name: Rothe "Scribbleface" of the Lick-toad clan Age: Young adult. The Lick-Toad clan doesn't read or keep track of time, so he doesn't know. Gender: Male Race: Goblin Appearance: Short and a bit yellow for a goblin. His entire head is covered in blue markings. Crude letters and similar symbols run in streaks across his face aligned like words and sentences with no sense or meaning. Draped in large brown and red scarves over a bare torso and pants with many pockets.His hair is thick and brown. His eyes Main Weapon: A large torch Hexes (bad luck, weird smell, sneezing curse, sleep, etc.) Personality: Easily distracted, exited or impressed. Hoping to meet less narrow people. Other: The Lick-Toad clan lives deep in the jungle. Life in the wilderness is a daily struggle, and the goblins make sure that's true for everyone there. His clan thrived trough brutality, unpredictability and stupid luck. They had unraveled the mysteries of the jungle. Rothe however, never felt quite at home. As soon as the other kids figured this out he was naturally christened "the weird kid" and it was thus no surprise he became apprenticed to the clan's shaman. The following few years were the best of his life. He learned old goblin curses and how to speak to the dead. His curiosity and will to learn made him the perfect apprentice. Until the shaman died in a tragic and hilarious boar riding accident. Being assigned the job of shaman and determined to keep learning he dug into the old man's old stuff. Among the piles of weird things he found scrolls and books looted from lost adventurers. He took them for his own and secretly he used them to teach himself to read. In secret because reading is taboo in Lick-Toad culture. The words are stolen from your head and onto the page. But his curiosity wouldn't let that stop him. Eventually of course he was caught with the book a year later and the whole town banished him for his heinous crime of literature. But not before they marked him with all the letters that'd he'd read using the ceremonial tattoo ink. Now everyone who would see him would know of his deeds. Except of course that no one outside the tribe knows of these dogma's but these aren't really the kind of people who think things trough that far.