Sheppard took one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it out of the door of the Blackhawk helicopter. The African landscape raced passed, the helicopter flying low and fast. It was a heavily modified craft, designed for stealth it was similar to the vehicles used in the operation resulting in Osama bin Laden's death. Perhaps this actually was one of the birds used, Sheppard couldn't help but muse. The pilot's voice crackled in his headset, they were approaching the infiltration site. On board there was just Sheppard, the pilot and the copilot. Sheppard guessed it was for deniability. Sheppard stood up, checking his gear. A tactical vest contained most of what he had, some rations, a canteen, binoculars, a GPS device, extra magazines, his knife sheathed on his left shoulder and the letter. His M9 was strapped to his right leg in its holster. He had a small backpack although the limited assistance he'd received from the Airforce meant he didn't actually have a need for the space just yet. The Blackhawk began to slow and Sheppard removed his headset, stepping over to the door. It touched down with a thud and Sheppard jumped, he'd barely hit the floor before the helicopter took off again. Crouching down Sheppard took out his GPS, the pilot was good, he'd hit the infiltration point exactly, all that remained now was a short 2 mile journey to the nearest town, Bekalo. Sheppard checked his GPS once more before setting off into the jungle, heading for civilisation. There were plenty of mercenaries in the country, fighting on both sides, he figured Bekalo would be swarming with them. The perfect place for a Westerner to blend in.