2Spooky: Kito had retired to his room after Amelia had left, though he got no sleep, as was the usual for him now. The morning light stung his eyes, though he endured the pain, looking down at the ring on his finger. Shaking his head, he made his way back to the lobby, finding no signs of Amelia. He recalled what she had offered last night, to train together, and he had to admit, it wasn't a bad idea. In fact, it might be exactly what Elwis needed to settle down again, to mend the bond he and Amelia once had all those years ago. Chuckling to himself, he headed out into the city, recalling that Amelia was going to be at the library. He wouldn't be surprised if she had passed out there, a library was like her second home. His mind wandered back to the Natrelmon from the previous night, it's body was hidden from view, and it's eyes were nearly invisible as well. If it hadn't been for the growl and blinking, he likely wouldn't have noticed it until it attacked him. Once he found Amelia, he was going to go back into the forest with her in search of that creature, something didn't feel right to him about it. While lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice both gems on the ring glowing, causing the ring to slowly increase in temperature. Eventually both Elwis and Sakura-re emerged, the ring now cooling as Kito's attention was drawn to the pair. "Hey! What are you two doing? Cut it out already!" he shouted, seeing the two exchanging blows. Elwis avoided Sakura-re's swing, countering with one of his own, sending the creature stumbling. "Elwis! Enough! What's gotten into you?!" Kito shouted, stepping between the fallen Sakura-re and Elwis. With a shriek, Elwis swung at him, landing a cut on Kito's arm while he protected himself. As he lowered his arm, he saw his Natrelmon take off down the street, shrieking once again. Looking at Sakura-re, he sighed, "Looks like Elwis has gone mad...I might need you to help me subdue him." he said. The Natrelmon bowed slightly forward once it stood, as if to say she understood him. Returning back to her relic, Kito took off after Elwis, following the shrieking noise. Eventually he came upon a building, stopping dead in his tracks, the appearance of the building disturbed him. Backing up slowly, he realized what the structure was, "A morgue? Is this why Elwis went nuts?" Kito asked himself. Before he could find out, a black beam shot from the doorway, causing Kito to throw himself to the ground to avoid it. Looking up, he saw Elwis, who shrieked and vanished inside. "ELWIS!" he shouted, getting to his feet. He stood there, his head dropping, hands balled into fists. "Why...? Why, Elwis? Why are you acting this way? Don't you recognize me anymore...?" he asked quietly. Sakura-re appeared again, gurgling alongside him, trying to offer him some comfort.