Leo had been flying around on Fortuna for days, but there wasn't much going on. Ever since Grima had fallen life had been relatively peaceful. While that was great and all, it was relatively boring when your a new Falcon Knight looking for some adventure. The most action he got was fighting off risen after some villager thought it would be a good idea to open up a reeking box in the middle of the field. He had gotten some strange looks from people for being a guy riding an Alicorn, and he couldn't totally blame them. Male Pegasus Knights were a rarity. Pegasus usually only let females ride them. The only reason Fortuna let him ride her was because she had once belonged to his mom, and so she was used to him. Now Leo had landed in a nearby village in Ylisse. He needed to get some food for himself and his mount. Having two mouths to feed burned through his supply of gold quicker than he would have liked. "I'm going to need a way to make some money somehow... Maybe I should have thought this whole traveling Falcon Knight thing through a bit better. This isn't at all what I hoped for." He had considered charging for healing services, but something about charging gold when someone was hurt and in desperate need of healing seemed wrong in his eyes. Fortuna whinnied in response to Leo's statement. Leo gently stroked his winged unicorn's red mane. "It's ok girl! I'll get us something to eat somehow!"