I would like to reserve an elf! Name: Elisimier Valenwood Age: 333 [yup] Race: half-Elven, half-Human Appearance: [img]http://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderTales/PZO8500_Ralynn.jpg[/img] Abilities: Like most forest elves, Elismier is skilled with a bow and with his shortswords/longknives, to the point where a human would probably never match them. Again, like most elves, he has a good bit of magic, and would probably be called a Druid. Druid is something of a sort of Geomancer, except that instead of being water, fire, earth, or air, it's more of a nature-geared elements. Theoretically, he could use his magic, which is of the element Water, to control water and such. However, he has never practiced this. Instead, he uses his magic to work hand-in-hand with nature spirits, healing the forest around his home. Other than that, he's an excellent cook and does, in fact, eat meat. If other elves do not, then he doesn't know. Nature is sacred, but nature also provides. To not eat meat because the creatures are living is the same as not eating berries because the bushes are alive. The forest sustains him, and he heals the forest. In addition to this, he has very sharp eyesight and shares a very intimate connection with wildlife, being able to 'speak' to them, and to 'speak' to animals that he has often healed. He understands birds quite well, as well as deer, among other animals. Inhabited longevity from his elven parent, and the bluntness and raw strength from his human parent. History: Lives in a forest, an unnamed forest by Elismier's standards, and has lived there all his life. Whom his parents are, he does not know. Whom other people are, he does not know. Whom the kingdoms are, he does not know. All he knows is his forest. He doesn't care for the roads, for they bring down trees and harm the land, but he knows the people are not hospitable to those who stand in their way. Generally, people traveling through may see eyes watching them, or a phantom appearing for a moment, flashes moving from a tree to another. Other than that, he's known nothing. What he has now is either items that he's taken from bandits, hiding away in his forest, or traded with the occasional, kindly trader. The forest is, undoubtedly, one of the most safe forests to travel through. He makes his bows by using his magic on trees that are past their life, too damaged by fire, lightning or simple old age and too much weight. As it is, his little hut, a sort of large lean-to next to a very large tree, extending all the way around with a little stream running through it, has probably a dozen excellently-crafted bows, which weren't even crafted, with all sorts of runes of nature and animals. Over four dozen arrows sit in a basket woven from vine and sticks, each set of 6 arrows with a different kind of fletching, ranging from letting an arrow fly more accurately, to letting an arrow fly faster. Eventually, he heard through a little bird [literally], that people were fighting again, 5-two-leg-round-ear-giants-leaf (clothed human commoners) "offended" (Attacked) 2-leg-round-ear-giants-in-shinystone (Iron-armored human soldiers), and very quite concerned, he did nothing. A year later, this seemed to happen more and more often, and indeed, iron-clad soldiers began appearing on the roads more often. Disturbed, Elismier finally came to a decision, with a bit of a push from the nature-spirits to go and find new nature, and to make sure nature is safe. War, they say, is not good for nature.