And then without saying a word, Jurgen left. He looked kinda irritated at the moment. She sighed, wondering if she should just follow him or do something else. Finally Eve decided on staying for a bit. People that were in a bad mood were better left alone in her book. "Another drink then." Eve told Gerald before grabbing another cigarette. She stayed for another full hour before finally heading out. Though she didn't feel like going back home just yet. This city was huge, and she only knew a few places. So why not explore a little? With a few jumps and grabbing onto an escape ladder she moved on top of the bar. And from there it was easy enough to jump from building to building. Most of them were actually pretty close together anyway. Eve explored the district for about half an hour. By now it was starting to get pretty dark outside, so she decided to go back. It had now been just over 2 hours since Jurgen had left the bar. She went to the right door and rang the bell, figuring Jurgen would at least be home. "It's me!" She called, thinking that it was probably better to announce herself first. In this neighbourhood it probably wasn't that rare that strangers bearing ill will would show up. Or heck, even Jurgen's drug abusing neighbour.