Alright, here is my CS then! [hider= Seti Kleon] Name: Seti Kleon Age: 38 Race: Human Appearance:[img=] Abilities: Master at Arms – Kleon, having spent most of his life either training to be a warrior, or applying his skills and trade as a warrior for the Empire and, eventually, rebel forces, Kleon holds an immense amount of experience and talent with his chosen steel lance, and coupled with a longsword for areas that don't favor a lance, makes Kleon a dangerous and skilled opponent in the art of hand to hand combat. Veteran Tactician - From defending outposts against raids, to hunting down and tracking down elusive hostiles created a wide base of combat experience in Kleon that lets him draw up combat plans, and extrapolate an enemies likely plans, based on prior and current activities. Kleon has a natural specialty in defensive operations and tactics, although he can manage offensive maneuvers simply enough, but it is clear to most he is better on defensive rather than offensive footing, from a tactical standpoint. Combat Intuition: Survival, and more importantly, success on the battlefield is a combination of talent, planning, and some luck. Call it a sixth sense, gut instinct, or whatever pleases you, Kleon has learned to trust his gut instinct on something well before his higher thought process kick in, and it has saved his hide on more than one occasion, ambushes narrowly averted by signs he didn't really notice, but his subconscious did, or narrowly avoiding blows that he should have moved differently, if he hadn't trusted his instincts. Physical Conditioning: Wearing his plate and chain armor for days at a time, marching while carrying the rest of his weapons and supplies, with little chance for rest and eating and drinking light to keep moving has built up the physical strength and endurance that Kleon can call on to push through a hostile situation if need be. While he isn't the fastest moving fellow, considering his armor weight alone, he can usually outlast opponents, waiting for a gap in the offensive or defensive motions of an opponent before striking with a fast strike or slash with the tip of his lance, or sword. History: Seti Kleon was born within the Empire, part of a long lineage of conscripted and voluntary warriors and knights. Growing up, he listened to his parents argue whether to push the boy into volunteering, or risking getting conscripted as a regular solider rather than someone of note. The boy would end up deciding for himself before hand, crossing paths with a knight who took a liking to the young boy, offering to take him as in as a squire, which would provide him a powerful position, should be prove good at his task and work. The young boy learned how to fight, think, and operate as both a warrior and knight of the Empire, with all the requirements and formalities required of someone who might be fighting one day, and working through the courts and formalities the next. As he grew older, his master brought him along into more complicated court settings, along with more counter attacks on monsters that might cross into Umbra territory, executing his duties with quick, effective actions. But, old age would eventually cripple the aging knight, who would decide to eventually retire fully, and he passed on shortly afterwords, passing on all the belongings and holdings that the aging knight had. Being gifted with this new found wealth and position, Kleon had to deal with the vultures that tried to descend onto the dead knight's holdings, and his court experience grew. Beyond this, tensions between Umbra and the other nations invited an increased level of combat experience, which, at the age of 30, erupted into a war of conquest, engaged by the Umbra leadership. Kleon would spend four years fighting and conquering for the new Empire, often finding himself paired with a bloodthirsty, brutal warrior hiding under the guise of a knight, who preferred intimidation and execution over more subtle methods of dealing with the captured or surrendered.Whether this was more effective or not, was debatable, but was not debatable was that Kleon didn't agree with his superiors, and his fellow knight, in how it came to treating and dealing with the rebels. This disagreement came to a boiling point when Kleon was assigned to work alongside this fellow again. At the end of a small siege, they had a handful of prisoners, including some higher ranking members of the rebellion against the Empire. While Kleon wanted to spare their lives, as he argued living bodies were better at speaking about useful information than dead ones, his fellow knight simply wished to make them suffer, before executing them. The two men came to blows, and Kleon managed to bring his fellow knight down with well placed lance strikes, out ranging the twin blades of his foe. In the following chaos between the two knights forces, Kleon escaped the violence with his most loyal men, and crossed paths with the very same rebels that caused so much strife within his camp and former allies amongst the Empire. Kleon had nowhere else to go, and the increasing disagreements between him and the Empire had settled his new course in life. The rebels could use some experienced men, and while his own men were given leave to go their own ways, most of them joined the rebels as well, and Seti Kleon would spend the next four years undoing his prior work, using practical past experience to make the Empire hurt where he could. [/hider]