[Damian] Damian sipped on his drink while he listened to Maddox speak, mulling over how to answer the first two questions as they came. Of course, there was no real reason to lie to the man, especially since he was part of Phoenix Wing. However, he hadn't told anyone he was a former child soldier with the Fiore Royal Army and he wasn't sure he wanted to tarnish the reputation his parents had built up by telling them he'd been one. "We can start with your name though. Mine is Maddox Colburn." [i]Maddox? Strange name. Not my place to judge though.[/i] Facing Maddox, Damian smiled. "Alright then, I'll give my name and answer your questions in order. My name is Damian Gerard and I come from Fiore. I was born to my parents while they were on the march as members of the Royal Army of Fiore. My magic, discovered during a battle with monsters that killed both my parents, is Blades Magic." For emphasis, Damian summoned both a small group of sword blades behind him and his pair of Ares Blades, spinning his left hand one. "Anything else?" Nodding to Sasha, Damian makes note to go find her when he was finished with Maddox.