[u] [b]Jack[/b] [/u] The sound of a loud saw rang off through the air of the cabin. Jack's body convulsed in his bed, covers tangling themselves around his frame. He shot up quickly banging his head onto a metal pipe that ran across the top of the bunk above him. Groaning Jack lay back onto his pillow hand over his red forehead. "Who the fuck is already cutting stuff. It's Halloween for gods sake." Moving to stand up, the twisted blankets around his waist prevented him from properly standing up and he fell straight out of his bunk on his face. "Uhhhh." After finally picking himself up, getting dressed, and yelling at the person that was cutting a beam in half with a chainsaw so early in the morning Jack headed into the basement where the nice shower was located. Really it was the chemical shower in case you got something on your skin or in your eyes, but hardly anyone used it so it was much nicer than the one upstairs. The hard steady stream of water and steam felt good running down his muscles. It eased the tension that had built up during the Ate event. But that was not a thought for his peaceful shower, today was his day to shine. Halloween. No one would give him a second look when get changed. When he skeletored out as Astrid so kindly put it. Stepping out of the shower and quickly rubbing himself down with a shower, Jack looked in the mirror. It was a tad bit strange that they had a mirror in the cleansing station, but that was one of the farthest thoughts from his mind. Staring into his dark brown eyes he reached up and touched a lock of his long brown hair and pushed it back into its place. His eyes slipped down to look at the eye-wash that was beneath the mirror. When he looked up he no longer saw his moose brown eyes, his long hair, his beard, nor even his skin and muscles, in place of all his human appearances was a skeleton. A naked skeleton looking into a mirror. Reaching up he ran his bony fingers over his chin, "Yes, yeah this will do." Turning away from the mirror he hurriedly dressed into his [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101206180443/skulduggery/images/9/99/Skulduggery_in_Australia.jpg]costume[/url], ready to put on some scares for the rest of the night. Looking back at his newly uniform self he said, "Did you know the sparrow flies south for the winter?" Laughing at his own joke he turned and walked out of the shower room. Almost immediately Jack nearly tripped over Astrid sleeping form. Her chair was pushed back away from her desk and her face was planted solidly into her computer. Looking at the shining screen he could see the page was filled with the letter "e". "Oh she is going to have fun with that when she wakes up." He moved to walk away, but smelt something before he could. Turning back he looked at her strangely and saw he finger had burned a hole in the desk while she slept. Rolling his eyes he patted her on the back to prevent her from burning down the cabin. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." Exiting the cabin he saw a congregation of campers crowded around the Hades Cabin. " 'This the gathering of all ghouls and creeps?" Already he could see poison ivy, a cat, a mime-looking-guy, and... was Syleste a ram? A cute ram at that, but really a ram? She was blind he suppose and looked through the rest of the crowd. His eyes landed on Erin. "Wow, it's like we were made for each other huh?" He tried his best to grin at her but failed miserably due to his lack of muscles, and skin, and a face in general. "You look great Erin. Really everyone does here." He paused for a moment, "Even the cat." [u] [b]Astrid[/b] [/u] Looking up groggily at what she expected to be Jack from the sound of his voice she freaked out at the sight of a skeleton. Still not used to his alternate form she jumped up falling out of her chair. Watching his receding form from the floor she shook her head. Usually Jack didn't change so early in the morning... Unless it was, ah yes, Halloween. In that case it was a truly magnificent costume. [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fmorelikethis%2F382620922&h=0&w=0&tbnid=QZl1mqiFsMktTM&zoom=1&tbnh=168&tbnw=300&docid=klAuOwf_T0X10M&tbm=isch&ei=9lhYVOCBE8qQigKGooDYAQ&ved=0CAQQsCUoAA]Her's[/url] didn't look quiet as real because, well it wasn't. Slipping into the shower room that Jack had just left she pushed on her [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/065/0/1/clara_lille__watch_dogs__by_youknowwho77-d795e7p.gif]costume[/url] and checked herself out in the mirror. She had to dye her hair black and white to give the full affect, but it turned out pretty good in the end. Plus the costume fit her personality quiet well. Maybe not the tattoos, or the piercings, but the rest was definitely her. She just hoped that someone recognized her as Clara Lille. After applying that last touches of makeup to her face she walked out the shower. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glance at the screen of her computer. There was 506 pages of straight "e" lined up. "Oooooh my god, computer your soooo lame." She groaned in frustration and nearly pulled her hair in anger before remember her costume. "I have no time to deal with you, you idiot." She spoke to the computer half expecting it to jump to attention and start deleting all the "e"'s. When it didn't she sighed and walked up the creaky stairs and outside to see what was going on. Making her way to the general group of people she walked up behind someone in green ivy. Edging a little to the left to get a better look she saw it was Ky'. "Hahah Ky' you look great! Poison Ivy right?" She reach over and gave her a gentle hug, careful not to wreck any of the carefully placed vines. Pulling back she looked up at her and nervously asked, "You do know who I am right?" She had the need to get her older sisters approval for some reason. She was the only one that it happened with, not even Jack could make her behave as she was. Weird.