[u][i]Deborah Termellio, & Nicholas Raynor [/i][/u] After a short time of wandering through the rain towards none other the Student Dorms, Nicholas used his one working arm to open the door to the building's entrance, before closing it behind him, making sure to avoid hitting his arm on it. The pain seemed to be slowly returning from his own injury, and at this rate, he needed to find a way to focus and relax his mind. During this time, he would usually resort to what was one of his favorite activities. Unfortunately, he knew the system of this school involved some form of roommate system. And that scared him. He couldn't allow himself to be caught reading by just -anyone- who walked through the door. So he resigned to himself -not- to read in his room...at least, not obviously. No, for now, he would have to find another option. Quickly, he proceeded towards the Student Lounge. Yes, it would be occupied by several students. Yes, he could be caught, but thats if he didn't play his cards right. The nice thing about having a great deal of conversing around you meant that you were virtually invisible more-so than not when in a large crowd. And that was exactly what he was hoping for. As he walked along the hallway, he used his functioning hand to move his wet bangs out from in front of his eyes, before walking into the Student Lounge. He observed the situation closely, and took note of a few people he recognized...specifically, what seemed like both Deborah and Shannon. Strange that those two were friends, despite what seemed to be conflicting opinions. Either way, they seemed to be grouping together and away from a mass majority, which meant if people turned to look in that direction, they would focus on their group...perfect. With that, he slowly wandered toward their side of the room, peering down at one of the larger tables on the side. Watching their movements and making sure he wasn't within their vision, he quickly slipped underneath it, before slipping his backpack off. Quickly, he unzipped a smaller pouch, but near the center region of the backpack, pulling out a brown and black bible that had his name titled on the bottom of its front page, having been embedded in rainbow colors that seemed to have been done by an expert, rather than just someone marking it with some sort of coloring tool. Either way, he quickly opened up the book, drifting into a few of his key verses, repeating a few of them silently, as simply doing so helped him feel more at ease. He leaned back, relaxing underneath the table... Unfortunately, he failed to realize how close one of the table legs was to his right arm. As he leaned back, the pressure of the table leg pressing against his arm, which was now completely sensitive, caused him to yelp in pain louder than usual. He widened his eyes, quickly pulling up and looking around, his lower body frozen in fear. Oh god...this couldn't be good. If someone caught him here, like this, he had no doubt they would ask why he was hiding. But with his injured arm, he couldn't really rush as quickly as he would like to... What the hell was that sound? It made Debs jolt a bit. It sounded like someone hit their head. Fortunately Deborah's power nudged her in the right direction ([b]Someone is under that table, likely injured[/b]). [i]Thanks power[/i]. It didn't tell her who or [i]what[/i] made that noise, but it was polite enough to point her in the right direction. Anyone else would have ignored it and continued, but not Deborah. Her curiousity was calling, and it was telling her to just have a quick look. Thus, Deborah put up a finger like she was telling everyone to hold on for a second, and walked over to it. Shannon paid it absolutely no mind. It might be another sexual deviant getting off in public.... Again. She should keep these thoughts out of her head, she's eating cake after all. Good cake! It wasn't long before Deborah was kneeling forward and poking her head underneath the table. Hopefully it's not another chronic masturbator ([b]Last time was nas-tay[/b])! It was hard to see under the table, but she got a clear enough view.... Nicholas Raynor. The boy she had talked to not too long ago ([b]Under here to relax[/b]). Instead of his dick in his hand, he had a bible ([b]He keeps his religion a secret[/b]). So Nicholas is a Bible-boy, huh? That alone didn't interest her, what DID was the fact that he felt it necessary to keep it a secret. He's a school full of the strangest and most [i]beautiful[/i] people around. Being a Christian would be the least of it, though, she didn't fully understand him. She didn't know what he's been through, and what kind of person he was before he came here. Nor was she religious herself. However, Deborah wasn't going to blurt it out in public, she had to be subtle. She has a reputation to keep! Because as if now, she's Nick's Secret Keeper. And that was something she felt was sacred. "Hey boy..." Deborah said with a impish grin, "Hit your head or something?" Her tactic was to bring as little attention to the Bible as possible. Because if he's going to get over this irrational fear, he needs to know it's not as bad as he thinks. Oh dear. Oh...god help him. Someone's seen him. On the -very first day-, someone's seen him read this book. Or at least...he thought so. She didn't seem to bring attention to it. He slowly sighed, moving to set down the Bible and rub the back of his head with his functional hand. "...Well, kind of, Deborah. You see, I kind of hurt my arm during some sparring I did at the training hall, and I haven't really had that much strength to try to heal myself yet. I'm trying to give myself some time to relax and garner that strength back before overexerting myself. Anyways, I ended up hitting my arm against the table leg...and it kind of hurt." He finished, laughing a bit nervously at the end, the laugh obviously somewhat faked. He was completely fearful, underneath his smiling exterior. All too paranoid that something was going to go wrong, she would draw too much attention to him, and then...well, at some point, someone was going to pick on him, take his Bible, and rip it to shreds. And he couldn't -have- that. He -needed- it. So the best thing he could do is divert attention away from it. The second Nicholas mentioned he had injured himself, Deborah scanned his body for any visible injuries ([b]He is telling the truth[/b]). While her power confirmed what he was saying as correct, what she wanted to do was get a glance at his injuries, just for a second, then get more information about it. But she couldn't see anything! She was tempted to pull this child's clothes off to get a better look at it.... And that didn't sound good even in the slightest. Whatever. She had to keep this going, no matter what happened. "You picked a weird place to relax." She said with a small chuckle, raising an eyebrow. "But really, though, you okay, boy? Need to get to a nurse? I know someone." Nicholas honestly considered this for a moment...before shaking his head. "Thanks, Deborah, but no thanks. I'd...rather not draw attention to myself right now, really..." He stated. He then quickly moved to grab his Bible and slip it into his backpack, zipping it up quickly before anyone else could get sight of it, before he moved to slip out from under the table, carefully grasping his entire right arm and carefully moving it away from the table as he stood up alongside it, smiling. He seemed a lot less stressed, now that his Bible was hidden away again. "Thanks for checking on me, though, I appreciate it. I can probably afford to heal myself now. Its...no real big deal, though. A few broken bones along my right arm, nothing my flame can't handle." Well that was nice ([b]Nick was relaxed with his bible out of sight[/b]). Deborah watched as Nick climbed from underneath the table and hopped up to his feet. "Boy, don't be hiding under tables like that." Deborah told him in an amused tone. "And I'm glad to hear that." She gave him a disarming smile, tilting her head to the side. Well, there wasn't much else to go over here. She'll have to think of something.... Oh! There's her new troupe. While he didn't get off on the right foot with Shannon, perhaps he could make nice with Poppy. In a swift motion, Deborah latched onto Nicholas's wrist. She held on tightly, probably to the point of causing him some pain, but to her; it's tough love. "You should meet my friends..." Deborah dragged him over to her group.