It seemed the entertainer had a shy side, as Yahtzee almost blushed after she spoke. Cora couldn't help but smirk, amused. It was strange, she actually got along with this element, unlike last time. Shida, bless his soul, was a hot-head. Yahtzee might have been ridiculously spirited, but he was youthful, very down-to-earth.  The Earth Hygron definitely seemed more menacing up close, but Cora held her ground. Her eyes didn't stray from his as he claimed Vrail for his own, finally backing off after. She shrugged him off, nodding. [b]"Yeah, whatever man."[/b] Will approached her afterward, a quiet look in his eyes. Cora gave him her undivided attention. [i]"So, do we have a plan? Also, I'm sorry I snapped like that. I shouldn't have done that."[/i] [b]"Food. Food's the plan."[/b] Cora tossed the plastic wrapped 'candy' bar to Will. She would be the last of them who'd eat, she would make sure of this. Besides, she had no idea how long it's been since Will had a decent meal. [b]"There's a warehouse near Appling, we're gonna head there and start turning things around. And really, it's okay. I uh, I lost my cool too. So don't sweat it."[/b]  Yahtzee's guardian had the strength to fly for the both of them, to Cora's amazement. Her own Irys didn't have that ability, only one of empath sensing. Sig leapt onto his turtle, tapping its head. Cora joined him, pulling herself up with nimble fingers onto the massive shell.  [b]"Yes, yes. Let's be off. Destiny await."[/b] [b][u]4:34pm, half a day later | The Warehouse[/u][/b] It stood alone in a barren field, a cement building ringed with chain link fence. The warehouse was massive, sprawling across the land and tall against the trash heaps surrounding it. Cora spied it from afar, seeing abandoned trucks but no people. Not a single worker in sight. A fully stocked building with absolutely no guards. It was their lucky day. [b]"Let's approach with caution, just to be safe."[/b] She said as they closed in, quietly breaking the front door. The place was a gold mine, honest to Kyra. There were stacks upon stacks of fresh military rations, canned food, even a form of chocolate! There were other basic essentials, but Cora soon became too distracted to revel in their spoils. Something was off... This was far too easy. Something wasn't right. The moment Cora grew suspicious, Irys started pinging off in her head. From the rafters and balcony floor surrounding the warehouse's perimeter came dozens of armed professionals, peeping out from behind cover with their guns pointed at the Elementals below.  [b]"We have you surrounded, get on your knees!"[/b] Yelled a commanding voice from the balcony floor. [b]"Shit, a trap?!"[/b] Cora shot Sig a leery stare. [b]"You set us up, didn't you."[/b]