Awesome song, Thunder. The first part sounds kind of sad ;A; and the chorus is lovely~ Hello, hello, hoomans, I just returned to the dorm. It turns out our Philosophy teacher is away, sooo early dismissal for the win! I'm gonna get started on a post, it should be up in an hour or two. The tea party is going to begin and I'll be ushering some of the humans to their seats. Once again, super sorry for the delay, but things will go a lot more smoother now. If everyone posts consistently, we should be able to wrap this up in maybe two weeks tops. After that, we'll hop on the train to Iwaku and start chapter six there. I'll get to work on the new OOC sometime during the weekend and when it's all done, I'll send you guys a link. Is everyone cool with moving by the way? It does look like a pretty swell RPing community, despite looking kinda cluttered and stuff, haha. I hope you're all having a good mornight ^^ [b]Edit:[/b] Posted :D! [hider=Spoilers]Remember that decision I was talking about? You'll be making it as a group ^^ feel free to discuss and whatnot. a. Join the hooded figures b. Fight them for the items and return to the castle[/hider]