[center][b]Seras[/b], "[i]The Knight of Lions[/i]" [img=http://safebooru.org//images/618/1580295d015183bfed15215e6f5890e2cc19ec3b.png][/center] --- [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Abilities[/b]: Seras is a legendary knight, said to possess superhuman fighting ability and strength to throw a fully armoured Dwarvern warrior over five meters. During her legendary duel with the Black Knight, she received several severe injuries that greatly impaired her physical abilities for a while. She has mostly recovered by now, but her right eye has been rendered completely useless, and her strength is roughly half of what it once was. She possessed tremendous strength and endurance, enough that she can effortlessly wield the massive sword, Lionheart, in battle. Her bloodlust and fighting instincts are many leagues sharper than most men's, making her a natural fighter who can overcome almost any foe in direct combat. Her sheer willpower is so strong that she is able to continue fighting even after sustaining injuries that would cripple a normal man. However, no matter how much she enjoys the heat of battle, she is still a knight at heart. She follows a basic code of honour, and will never make use of dishonourable methods to achieve her goals. [hider=History][i]Called the King of Beasts by her enemies, Seras became somewhat of a figure of legend during her service as an Umbran Knight. During the invasion of Gelum, Seras and her sister, Justicia, slaughtered hundreds of enemies and monsters, all of which could have easily challenged tens of men on their own. So frightening was their assault that when they were transferred to the front lines of the battle in Quies, many of the enemies they were faced with simply fled at the sight of them. The Black Knight and the Knight of Lions, together they were an unstoppable force that contributed greatly to the success of Umbra's overwhelming initial attack. However, things took a turn for the worse when they joined the final battle, in Solum. Once again, they lead a devastating charge into enemy territory, slaying enemy warriors everywhere they glanced. Looking back on it, it was probably the toughest battle of Seras's career, but she didn't care about any of that. She fought viciously, revelling in the heat and smells of battle. It was because of this that she didn't notice the difference in her sister's demeanour, and that she was fighting slower than usual, almost as if conserving her energy. It all happened in an instant. One second, Seras was taking a rare moment of rest after defeating a particularly strong enemy. In the next, she was on the ground, her sister's sword sticking through a gap in her armour. Betrayal. Her sister had always been the more power hungry of the two, and when the Empire promised her a large promotion in exchange for this act of treachery, she accepted their offer with only a small amount of hesitation. That was the kind of person she was. Seras wouldn't accept it, though. After all of those battles, there was no way she was letting herself be killed there. Justicia knew this, and immediately retreated once she realized her blow wouldn't be fatal. Seras charged her, and they began a duel that seemed to freeze the battlefield around them in awe. Their battle lasted an hour, and both of them received countless injuries. Seras was at a disadvantage, since she had suffered a devastating blow before the battle even started. So, she put everything into a single all-out attack, where she went directly for her sister's head. It was a desperate, reckless attack, the sort that could strike fear into the heart of even the greatest knight. And it worked. Then, their battle was over. The Black Knight received a lethal strike, barely avoiding complete decapitation by stepping backwards at the last moment. Seras had lost her eye, but everybody who was present on that day saw that she won, and that the hill they stood on was stained with the blood of her opponent. After that, she disappeared, and hasn't been seen even once since that fateful day. Many think she died that day, that she succumbed to her injuries and bled out in some ditch after the duel. But those who knew her give an anxious laugh, knowing far too well that she would never die to something as pathetic as that, especially not after being betrayed so brutally in the end. Now, there are whispers going around that the Knight of Lions is supporting the rebellion, and that they are aiming for the Emperor's head next. How scary~! [/i][hider2=Oh and...]Because her gender was never really part of her legend or her career as a knight, there are those that might not believe she is the true Knight of Lions, especially when her opponents were calling her the King of Beasts. The way her sister put it, [i]"Those around her were blinded by her fighting spirit, so much that they never so much as thought to check the inside of her trousers."[/i][/hider2][/hider]