Hmm. I want to make my guy some sort royal guard. The rp needs the world weary man. Hmm. I want him to have something he was ordered to protect.... But what... A sword? Name: Rothves "Roth" Mosgaru Age:31 Race: Beastkin Appearance: [img=] ((Why yes that is Vossler from ff12. I like how he looks for my guy. )) He has a wolf ears instead regular ears and a wolf tail. He keeps both hidden. Abilities: Roth is a great fighter since he trained since he was little to fight. He wields the sword Dragon's Bane and is skilled in its use. However it is his Beastkin skills that make Roth a force not to be messed with. He is quick on his feet due to his nature. Not as fast when using his sword but still quick enough to be effective. Roth also has the sense of smell and hearing of a wolf. However he is not the most social being in the world. He can be quiet and reversed at times. [img=] ((The sword)) History: Rothves Mosgaru was born to a pair of Beastkin immigrants to Quies. Being strangers in a strange land, they tried their best to fit in or stay hidden. Roth however did not want this. He embraced his home and loved the desert kingdom. When he turned 18 he joined the army and was a natural swordsman. As one of the only of his kind in the army he was looked down on but never gave up. This perseverance paid off when he was 23 and was made part of the Royal Guard. He saw this as a massive honor and treated it as such. Only two months after he joined the Guard reports came to the palace that the Umbra armies were moving to conquer Quies. In the middle if the night Roth was awoken and taken before the Queen. She ordered that he , as the guard with most knowledge of the desert, would take the Dragon's Bane sword away where the Umbra agents could not get. So on the night he took the sword and fled his home, something that bothers him to this day. For eight long years he kept moving to stay out of being captured. He has heard rumors of a rebellion. He may just join them.