Tide picked up his cards with a sigh, and dropped them onto the deck of cards in the middle of the crate. "Looks like we'll have to finish this another time," he said, "Our pilot seems keen to get going." Grabbing the straps of his pack in one hand, he stood up from the deck chair and walked over to the security door. Through the door, a ladder reached up into the rest of the ship. He swung his pack and threw it up through the hatch at the top, quickly following it up, climbing the metal rungs with practiced ease. He made his way to the men's quarters, and poked his head through the open doorway. Erik was already laid on one of the bunks in the far corner, apparently asleep. Tide threw his pack onto the bunk closest to the door, and then ducked back out of the room, wanting to get a feel for the layout of the ship before they left. He worked his way forward, until he found himself outside the ship's bridge. He stepped through into the bridge, which also apparently doubled as Caelum's living quarters. "Hey," he said, calling over to the harassed looking pilot. "Mind if I grab a seat in here until we're off world? Never did enjoy lying on a bunk while a ship's taking off."