Like the others Danny went to his room to get his equipment, which in case consisted of several cans of aerosol to use as impromptu flamethrowers, a combat knife and finally some energy and chocolate bars. For a moment he considered taking his lighter along but decided against it, after al he would only be bringing along more fire for the Dragons to control which admittedly was also a risk of the "flamethrowers"; and if he ran out of the energy to create fire there probably would be enough of it during for him during any fights. After he was done with that he didn't head straight for the garage, but first went the opposite direction to pick up a first aid box. He was the only member of the group with any medical training as little it was, after all and it never hurt to be prepared. "[i]With any luck, me getting this was just a waste of time.[/i]" Now that he had all the equipment he though necessary Danny headed straight to the garage. Unsurprisingly two of the Infected had already beaten him to it. "Well, at least I'm not last." He joked while putting the medical supplies into the trunk of the car.