They got to the warehouse, and it was stocked full of food, as usual. The elementals all walked in. Sig stopped to whisper to Spike: "Look at these drooling animals, they aren't very smart are they?" Just when the elementals were about to lay their hands on food, armed guards appeared. They were ambushed. The ice girl looked at Sig accusingly and blamed Sig for this, but Sig just grinned at her. He walked a few steps away from the rest of the group, but when he heard the click of the guns ready to shoot, he stopped. "Wow hold it there! I'll just raise my hands." He slowly lifted his hands and fell to his knees. "This isn't very welcoming of you guys. Instead of fighting, how 'bout a party huh? Yeah, there's so much room in here, it would be enough for all of us!" He needed time to think. The ground was very hard. He could control it, since cement is made up of minerals and types of rock, but it was too hard, too artificial, to comfortably move a large area of it, he might get too tired. "Ah dammit. Its my only chance" thought Sig. He looked back at Cora with his mocking Grin again. "Sayonara Chill Brain!" The Concrete imploded around Sig, leaving a hole, in which Sig disappeared. The hole was quickly filled back in with the earth under the warehouse. Spike simply retracted his limbs and head into his massive shell, looking like a big rock in a concrete box.