He released her, and gave a quick dust to his left shoulder. His cold eyes, crimson in color met with the boy's that were also crimson in color. He could find no roman numeral etched into the right, so he had to assume this one was human. It'd be pretty inconvenient if there was more than five of them running rampant somewhere, nearly immortal with respect to body composition and the fact that they didn't age. Royce's claim was enough for Salforge to heed without second guessing. Placing his hand behind his head, stroking his neck and raising a nonchalant shrug. His palm was laid flat and the narrow pass of the alley restricted even tighter, securing all exits. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're now boxed in." he said proceeding to find an empty a parking lot dumpster to sit on. Gavin on the other hand, began to quickly assess what he had seen. The black haired male with the red eyes seemed to possess some manner of abjuration, protective spells of some sort that seemed to have decent damage resistance, but not infallible as the cold air managed to pass through with little complication. This was just his first impression, easily changeable pending on what else happened by this enemy. His keen eyes sharpened as the woman the male was protecting offered her name and expressed her suppressed rage. Paying special attention to her, she constructed what seemed to be blood, although hardened and about as dark as his heart, if that were possible. This was a bad turn of events...for the woman. If it got any colder, they'd quickly see who would be the one that started moving more sluggishly and how effective her blood would be if it was frozen. As her twin projectiles entered his range, the temperature dropped, and the black mesh of darkness waft past them, turning them into onyx colored slabs of ice, shattering as they hit the ground. Gavin placed two fingers on his head, his dull face growing somewhat sorrow-filled, before executing a taunt. "Bang." His body tilted over in a discombobulated contortion, and icy wind trailed from his breath. The darkness rose from his feet, and quickly traveled upward to consume his body that had gone limp. This was him "Playing dead" And the heartless from earlier flocked through the cold regardless of the hostility of the unforgiving temperatures. They proceeded to feed Gavin's darkness, effectively increasing his range as the stretches of where the shadow lingered across the ground stretched further. "Kid-ding" he said, catching his balance, and lashing forward with a grasp of his hand. From the base of his feet, the darkness traveled up his arm, and extended into an arm itself. It was whirled forward with all intentions of grabbing Ryoko as she liked to be called, with a touch of cold. Because this was an alleyway, Gavin had anticipated this working by a simple jump, or to parry. His arm was low enough that she could duck or roll away, either way, it wasn't very speedy but the limited space gave him more options.