As Yahtzee heard the sounds of guns he spun around to try to assess as much as he could of what the hell was going on as he cursed under his breath. He heard Cora confront the new Earth hygorn and as Sig fell backwards he launched himself forward trying to land a punch but his fist only connected with empty air. Snarling he glared at the enemies around him before his expression changed to one of shock when a barrier of water rose up around them. He looked around wildly for his dragon suddenly worried again. "Salamander!" He yelled desperately. "Get out of here!" Maybe it was selfish that at this moment he cared about him more than his hygorn allies but Salamander had been with him through all of this and more and if Yahtzee got out alive he damn well wanted to make sure his dragon was there to see him. Unfortunately his dragon had other ideas and flew down landing on the ground in front of Yahtzee's legs and hissing out a small stream of smoke. Yahtzee backed up slightly to stand closer to the group and fire coiled up around his arms before spreading over the rest of his body. Salamander's tail whipped back and forth angrily and Yahtzee grinned wildly as he sunk into a more balanced stance with his fists raised to waist level ready to leap forwards into action. Despite it all he was actually afraid. Maybe nor so much for himself, although that was definitely part of it, but more for everyone around him which was an alien sensation to someone who had never worried about anyone other than himself and his dragon before. He was suddenly struck by an idea and turned to face Wil. "Hey Wil," he said. "Between the two of us we could lay down some pretty effective cover. You know, steam and all that." He mentioned to the water hygorn thinking that if he launched himself into the wall it would indeed provide a decent amount of cover but it might be at the cost of the wall and that would be no good if everyone died in a hailstorm of bullets.