[b]Atami[/b] - 2spooky Atami walked down the street, hands in his pockets as the police officers dealt with the undead. Most of his time was spent looking around at things he found interesting - a certain door, or the way a brick was made. Some of the undead Natrelmon were pretty interesting too, and he examined some quickly as they walked past the dead bodies. Or were they dead undead bodies? Atami wasn't quite sure. He was about to ask where they were headed again, his clouded mind forcing him to forget simple stuff like that, but then the morgue showed up in front of them. “Okay...” the words slipped past him, as he didn't intend to say them. The morgue was really quite a building. Atami would slip inside, attempting to see into the corridors ahead of them, but it seemed the only thing with free reign here was the darkness. Perhaps they could find a main light switch somewhere. He turned around to face the police officer, only to be faced with an order. “Bar the door..” he muttered, “lock ourselves in here with the likely source of this. Good plan. There'd better be a good fight ahead of us.” He cocked his arm back and slammed his fist into his open hand. He then turned towards the rest of the group, not really sure who they were. “I think I'll go this way.” he said as he pointed into a dark, dark corridor. “Cya. If you make it.” and with that he was gone, walking into the shadows and darkness.