STC Jaques ( BH-44) Crash landed on New Condia Cmdr. Deaxja ( KIA) Lt. Cmdr Sinidas Kalai ( Now in Command) Sinidas continued to point his battle rifle at the diplomat as it game to an abrupt stop and began speaking, it must of understood what he said, or just read his body language. It didn’t matter much to Sinidas, he accomplished his goal of getting the diplomat to stop and avoided a firefight that would probably be his last. Keeping his rifle leveled, he slowly backed away from the diplomat and back into the ship’s defensive perimeter. This was all quite odd, they must of crashed on another species home world, or maybe even a core world. Adding to his confusion was the fact that they weren’t blowing them to bits. The crew was outnumbered at least 2:1 and some of the firepower they had looked devastating. These Aradite would sell their lives dearly however, Sinidas was confident that they could even the odds before they were killed. Victory of course was the only thing on his mind, Aradites don’t believe in loosing. “ Go into the missile bay and splice all the nuclear warheads together before settting them to a dead-mans switch. In the event of a firefight, the last man will detonate the warheads and destroy the ship. That will be our contingency plan if we get overrun before a salvage teams comes to get us” Sinidas and his crew had to protect the sensitive technology and data on this ship, with their lives if need be. STC Acheron ( BH-23) Conduction Long Range Recon Patrol, made contact with new race Deep Space, Alari Abyss Lt Cmdr. Zilicin Commander Zilicin raised an eyebrow as he received a mysterious ping, it wasn’t from the large fleet ahead of them, but rather from another entity. “ Trace that ping….” he said quietly as his communications officer broke into a flurry of typing. “ four points off our starboard, towards the stern sir, they must of have been lying in wait.” the communications officer said looking towards the radar operator. “ I saw no such signature, it must of been drifting. No thermal or EM signature” the radar officer quipped turning back towards the commander. This worried Zilicin, how long have they been there for? was the Acheron being followed? He pushed these thoughts out of his mind as he typed in a few commands, logging the location of the mystery vessel on the star chart. “ Send back two pings, one for confirmation and another for range, if we have to defend ourselves I want to know how much of a window we have”. the commander said before sitting back in the captains chair.