[Center][B] Announcement! [/b] So it's been a week or two, maybe even three without the lack of a notice from Banba. So, it's unfortunate to say, with such a small group, that she is out. Danny will be an NPC for the time being so everyone can use her if need be. [/center] [Img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m46hsaFoL41qb9xkb.gif[/img] [Center] With that being said, I'd appreciate notices as to if you'll be missing days and cycles like that. It's just a reminder, and you've been doing a good job thus far. I understand school and jobs and life come first, but there's only so many cycles you can miss before you become dead weight. Hopefully the remainder of our crew will stay in tact. And with the way our story is going currently, I won't be able to accept any new crew members for awhile. [/center] So, it is going to be a fairly small crew. With a party of five. We can make that work, right? Also! Speaking of how the story is currently going, I'm excited for the next phase. It's going to be quite [s] dangerous [/s] adventurous. And, also post reminder. Annd that's it for my GM announcements. Here have an adorkable lady. [Youtube]aPXnLeQz3sA[/youtube]