[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64701/posts/ooc?page=9#post-2021684][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/cait_zpsb0ee51e0.png][/url][/center] Well, she didn't last as long as she expected. Caitlin thought having David distract her with idle chatter would help, and she supposed it did a little, but still the anxiety-tinged queasiness persisted. Having motion sickness was one thing, but siderodromophobia or whatever the hell fear of train trips was called was an entirely different problem. Who even had a phobia like that, really? Her cheeks burned at the thought. At times like these, she liked to put all the blame on her mother, who raised her in the wilderness and far, far away from civilization. Before coming to Hogwarts, all she had ever known was the simplicity of nature. Brooms and horses were their means of travel, as was the occasional magic carpet. Integrating was more difficult than she thought it would be. Caitlin waited until her stomach stopped lurching before she took small, cautious bites of the magic chocolate she was given. She exhaled in relief at its instantaneous effects. The nausea was gone at last, though the anxiety was still there. "Thanks," she turned to David, managing a small smile. "I—" The word died on her lips a second later, and she thought it was amazing how one could turn from eternally grateful to extremely ticked off to embarrassingly hysterical, all in a blink of an eye. She could never stay upset with David, would forgive him anything, but in that split second when she realized what was about to happen, she was quite tempted to give him a good slap in the head. And maybe a flick on the forehead. Luckily for him (but not so much for her), her anger dissipated to give room for the paralyzing fear that would wash over her like a tidal wave. Caitlin grabbed a fistful of David's sleeve and turned her face up and away from everyone in the compartment to conceal the tears threatening to fall. Her breathing turned ragged but she tried to hide that, too. The new Ravenclaw Headmistress, as David had just pointed out, noticed her condition only after she'd properly punished David for his stupid spell (which was also well-intentioned, so she didn't have it in her to hold it against him). Despite having suffered a near full-blown panic attack, Caitlin managed to feel a little guilty. It was sort of her fault he had detention now, wasn't it? At least she put him to work in the Forbidden Forest. She could join him there then. Still reeling, Caitlin could only nod at everything she was being told. Was she ill? Yes. Motion sickness? Yes. Dramamine? Sure, whatever that was. Anxiety? Bingo. Charm Professor Mark Crane and his cousin's daughter? Cheers, pleasure. She was bobbing her head distractedly even after Professor Crane asked them for an introduction and only realized he was expecting an actual answer after a couple of seconds passed without anyone talking. Caitlin gently nudged David with her elbow and gave him a look, beckoning for him to take over and do all the talking for them. She didn't trust opening her mouth just quite yet.