[center][i] – Mercy –[/i][/center] In all honesty she hadn’t needed to stop by her room as she had everything she needed to tend to Cat’s wound, but with her wavering courage she wanted to retrieve something to reassure her. [i]Liquid courage probably would have been the best option...possibly not the wisest[/i] She thought to herself as she rooted through the pocket on the front of her quiver, she pulled out a bundle of strings and a tub of wax placing them on the bedside cabinet next to her. She looked over at her bow frowning at the dirt covering the decorated surface, her mind happily retreated from its current train of thought. [i]Really should take some time out to clean her...when was the last time she was waxed[/i] She thought, pulling a face as she realized what that had sounded like. [i]...bad choice of words[/i] She shook her head and continued rifling through her bag. “Where is it...barely any stuff and I still can’t find what I’m looking for” She sighed, pulling out the strip of batteries and laying them on the floor beside her, before reaching back in and pulling out her small leather-bound journal. “Nope...” She leant back and placed it on the bed, hesitantly she allowed herself to lift open the front page and peer inside. She inhaled sharply and jumped to her feet as Tony rapped his knuckles against the door, she turned to look at him as he addressed her. Hastily closing the journal she scooped it back into her bag, before focusing on what he was saying trying very hard not to appear too flustered. “Oh...I didn’t really do anything but you’re welcome” She smiled at him though as she had done with Dog avoided his eye if she could, her concerned gaze switched to Chris as Tony mentioned that she may have injured her hand, her eyes focused on where their hands were joined for a moment before she shifted to get a clearer look at Chris’s other arm inspecting the way she held it. “Erm...” She hummed as a thoughtful look crossed her face. She knew she’d said she would go to Cat but... “I can take a look at it now if you like before I go up to Cat...it shouldn’t take too long” She offered forcing herself to ignore the guilty feeling that settled in the pit of her stomach, she wasn’t skipping out of going to see him just delaying it a little. What added to the guilt was her concern for Chris outweighed her concern for Cat, it wasn’t something she was comfortable admitting she should have been equally concerned for the both of them...regardless of the questionable mentality of the latter. “Come on in” She invited the pair into the room, bending down to grab the first aid kit she had abandoned on the floor, she wasn’t sure whether she would have anything helpful in it but it was good to have close by. “What happened before I got up there?” She asked Chris, wondering just what she’d missed up in the attic she knew the other woman had been fine before going up there. [center][i] – Tamashii – [/i][/center] Dog blinked a little as she scratched behind her head before jumping a bit as her name was called, instinctively turning and dropping to her knees, hands moving up to her flat chest in a submissive and a bit frozen in fear. Though her rusty colored eyes blinked as she recognized it was only Ash who had called her so sharply. For a moment, Dog though she sounded like one of her masters from five years ago. Even now, it was difficult to shake off years of teaching to follow orders and react like a pet dog. Tamashii was taken aback by Dog’s odd reaction to her sharp tone, she was beginning to see how Dog had got ‘his’ name. He kept showing characteristics best suited to a dog...she raised an eyebrow at him, adopting a somewhat curious look as she came to stand a little way in front of him. “Okay...” She murmured, unsure what to really say to that. She folded her arms across her chest and rolled her shoulders uncomfortably as Dog got to his feet and gave her a cheerful grin. [i]What is it with all these smiley people?[/i] She thought to herself before she leapt into her speech regarding the fuel run. The brown haired woman had little to no problems leaving the cheerful twins psychotic brother behind, mainly because she couldn’t afford to take him with them. Besides she would prefer to keep Mercy as [i]far[/i] away from Cat as possible how could she do that and help collect fuel. She was pulled from her thoughts as Dog suddenly chirped at her and began to wave something over her head. “Really?” Tamashii leant forward eagerly her eyes lighting up as she tried to focus on the blurry shape the excited guy was waving about. She reached for it as soon as it was offered to her, instantly turning away from Dog she spread the map across the table, she grunted as she caught her hip on one of the chairs causing it’s legs to scrape noisily across the old tiled floor. “Bloody thing” She growled at the inanimate object before she began to scan over it with eager eyes. Hearing Dog happily yip away she turned to give her another curious look though her expression was laced with suspicion. [i]Really...an adventure? Are you on the same planet as me?[/i] She shook her head and rolled her eyes as she turned her head back to the map, she didn’t do it maliciously more like a pet owner would if their animal did something cutely annoying. “Adventure...right” She murmured, running her finger across the map she lifted her other hand and ran her fingers into her hair pulling it out of her face. “Good to hear, we need someone strong to help us lift those canisters” She told Dog, glancing at him for a moment before she stood back up and patted her pockets down, turning around she opened a couple of draws behind them. “Have you got good eyes as well? You are aware of what’s out there aren’t you?” She asked testingly, she knew the cheerful guy had to have known about the flesh eating walking corpses out there but his cheerful mood made her want to jab at him. “So much useless junk in here...” She muttered, before a smirk crossed her face and she held up a red marker showing Dog. “Bingo” She turned back to the map and quickly circled an area on the map. Looking up at the tall twin beside her she frowned at what he had said. “Give them Kitty tips, does that include stay or leave alone? Always applied to the strays back home” She snorted, the smirk on her face suggesting the dig had been deliberate. She folded her arms and waited for Dog’s response before she continued on. “You can come with me, I need to go see who else is coming with us anyway and get Mercy. The sooner we can get going the better” She explained relaxing her arms and moving over to the door whether Dog followed her or not, she made a beeline for the stairs and began to climb them.