Alexandra sighed as she was transported to the school in a rented limousine. Why did she have to come here again? She attended a private school, for smart people who happened to have enough wealth and privilege to go somewhere away from the commoners. After all, she had quite different priorities and needs than the average person. Still, here she was, deposited in front of the school with nary an explanation nor aside word. She frowned with a harrumph as she folded her arms, making her way into the school. It was as dull a place as she expected, though it probably had to do with the fact that it was empty of people. Even then, it didn't change the point, and she walked through the halls with a calm pose and raised head, shoes clicking on the floor while blond twin tails bounced along. Even if no one was there, she was on display, and she would not be found wanting. At last she arrived at the room she had been pointed to, slipping in to see that there were people already present. So be it then. Much as she would have liked to be there early, she would just have to settle for this. She puffed up a bit then, showing no fear but rather strength as she entered then, walking past the instructor (She had to assume it was an instructor), to sit in a chosen spot, near the front, but not too far away from the other people there. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry," she replied, waving off the offered food, while also wondering what a 'Kyubey' was. She didn't expect an answer to that though, and settled in to hear what this man had to say. Her precious time was being wasted right now, and she would not stand for that when there were better things she could be doing.