Name:Liam Hanson Country of Origin: Ireland Specialty: Sniper Appearance: [img=] Bio: Liam was born in Dublin, Ireland. When he turned 19 he decided to join the military as a sniper. He was rather good at it too, able to hot a target few could. However he is not perfect, even though he thinks he is. When the paranormal threat reached the Emerald Isle's shores, Liam was there to fight back as best he could. He was nearly killed in an explosion during the battle in Dublin. He believed that he family was killed he moved on until he was tapped to join the unit. Personality: Liam's blood is almost Kelly green by the way he acts. He is usually smiling and joking outside if missions. He is the typical prankster or trickster most of the time. However on missions he gets cold and distant for some reason. He has no jokes or quips while killing the enemy. Considering how he acts this is jarring from his usual attitude since they change on a dime.