[b]Earth Orbit, [i]EUV Starfire[/i][/b] "By Faust's name..." Up until now, nobody had said anything about the planet below. Partially because nothing interesting was happening, and partially because the nuclear fallout was sickening to look at. What was even more horrifying was that an entire region had no structures larger than a hut in it at all, nothing but a flat expanse of desert peppered with craters. Another region had a large concentration of orbital bombardment sattelites stationed above it, apparently a police action. Judging by how old they were, it had been quarantined for decades. Forgiveness did not appear to be a common quality. "What is it, officer?" Asked Emily, standing up from her Captain's chair. "Two atomic detonations, one in the second most populous continent and the other in a small village in... in... [i]that[/i] place." "Are they-" "Yes, full ground force mobilization all over the planet... Another detonation! Smaller, no sign of a missile launch... no artillery, maybe handheld? But how could anyone outrun an atomic blast they fired with a simple gun?" Remembering the information that she had been given, Emily had a sudden realization. Her face was bleached white with horror, her mouth dropping open. The entire bridge crew turned to look at her, the same expression on their faces. "I did some reading on human military history." She said "Over a century ago, one of the nations involved in what they call World War 2 used air attacks to take out oceangoing vessels. Instead of using missiles or bombs, the pilot rammed the vessels, killing themselves and the crew of the ship. Whoever caused that detonation caused it knowing full well they would die." "How could anyone do that?" Said the tactical officer in shock "That blast killed at very least ten thousand people, and they knew it! Are they so full of hatred that they are willing to die for the sake of killing others?" "Open a channel to the homeworld..." "Channel open." "This is the [i]EUV Starfire[/i], currently stationed in the Sol system. The Terrans are engaged in an atomic war, and the tactics being used here... we don't even have words for them. The humans call it a 'Kamikaze', which literally translates to 'divine wind'. It's an attack where one person gives their life to kill others. It's not used as a last resort, instead, the death of the attacker was planned and known to all prior to the operation. I'm requesting reinforcements and a decision to be made as soon as possible on this matter." [b]Nouvelle, Capital City of Hollie[/b] "It's not archaic, just different. I come from a place where the most important thing at my age was how well you could hide, and nothing else mattered. Then... something happened, and that wasn't important anymore. Then the most important thing was the whole, I started to introduce my team, not myself. That group mentality never left." After the man had left, the crew began to look around the room. They were obviously surprised by how similar it was to Terran layouts, the only notable differences being the absence of digital devices and nanorobotic furniture. "Such a similar design for living spaces, perhaps evolution really does use the same tricks no matter where you are." Said the Captain, looking around the room. "Reminds me of the old palace back in Siberia." "This whole planet reminds me of 19th century Britan. Kinda uncanny, it's like we're on an alternate Earth. Like in that one Star Trek episode with the Romans that had that one bit with the hilarious gladiator fight." Said one of the marines, looking at the Captain. "That was a good one." Responded the other marine. "Next Gen is the best series." Said the Captain, a smirk on her face. "I know for a fact that your favorite is Voyager!" Yelled the marine in a mock accusation. "Hey, I've gotta have fun [i]somehow[/i]!" The three laughed, and began to get ready for their official audience. Due to their inexperience regarding royalty, the Captain ended up guiding the two marines through how to properly bow. The process definitely took much longer than it should have, mainly because the marines didn't expect bowing to have so many rules.