Natalie smiled, as she rose, looking to Victor, as he floated upside down. She boosted toward him, guiding herself correctly. plonking into him, as she reached out and kissed him on the lips. "Controls are on your right hand, that analog stick you will eventually figure out. You're a piece of cloth on the breeze...and yet at the same time, move your arms and legs inside. You are a Goliath....and you wonder why I opted for this." She said, staying close, as they slowly floated, Natalie easing back as she let loose, thundering upwards, as she cackled, the blue hot gas flame rising her up, as she floated over the sunset water, her lover and her in the air like leaves on the wind, as it blew on her naked skin, just reminding her life could be no better. Natalie hung like a specter above the water, just occupying the air like it was something she controlled, the two enormous masses surrounding the two giants holding them aloft. She was engaged to a 7"11 sized Mohican who was the World's Strongest Man, who also happened to be a mercenary that could kill like no other human being he had met. They were both rich, they both had stable jobs, they had good holiday, but most of all, they had fun equipment. And it was that which reminded her that they were Athena and Ares, like a Godess and God looking over all creation and protecting it. She herself was beautiful, and could test her strength against Victor's, and in this perfect moment, everything felt right. Like she was invincible. She eased back, and let one more go, the thunder roaring as she groaned. It was strong, too strong against the only partly inflated helium suit. And this was the moment the butt of Natalie's matt black helium suit got a hole blasted open the size of a golf ball, the small tear becoming a blasted hole. --- Meanwhile... 0700 Hours Somewhere in Northern Iran Things had been busy for Markus and his partner, Eric. They'd been redeployed rapidly, in the wake of the company's biggest earners taking a holiday. At least they earned while they recouperated, and it made the company more cash, more cash to reinvest. And themselves. The Demi-Juggernaut suit was a cut-piece armor, a lighter but less armored version of what the current combat testing of the suits were seeing, yet did the job. It gave a mobility, a movement that perhaps they didn't, suiting a SF operator better. And Markus found it to fit well. An FN F2000 sat in his hands, with a Aimpoint CompM4 optic and a silencer attached, with a EGLM module fitted on the weapon. An AT4 sat on his back, whilst his Glock 17 sat in a holster on his hip. A carbon-plated KM2000 Combat Knife, used by the Bundshwehr sat in a mount on his hip, a beautifully crafted piece of German engineering from point to blade. He wore a AOR2 camoflage, a green digital on his armor, with his boots to his reinforced ballistic mask being a signifying that he was fully equiped with the [url=]Demi Juggernaut[/url] suit like this. Being not too bulky, but not as armored compared to a regular Juggernaut's kit. The German patch sat on his shoulder, as did the weapon of choice for today, against his shoulder. It was a cloudy morning, and they'd been smuggled over the Azerbaijani/Iranian border to get to work on a follow up contract. There was a Russian arms dealer, that allegedly had links to a fixer named Konstantin. He'd heard enough stories about the man- and that this was one of many loose ends. His Arms Dealer friend above was gone, the Russian Dealer arrested by the Spetsnaz GRU. Arrested, not taken down. He was a goner, most inteligence sources guessed. Now it was a collection of loose ends, following Wakhan. The intel had been good, but one or two people hadn't caught the memo. There was a data drive that the CIA among other intelligence agencies wanted, and the global unity was waning on dealing with this problem. The Russians were agitated, the Chinese too against the overall inefficiency of it all. This could fix a few of those problems. Moving through the pine forest, they moved with a subtlety and neat movement towards the mansion. It seemed fairly nice- a coastal construction right on the Caspian Sea, at the base of a cliff- with the pine forest ending and a small decline, a sandy dirt embankment of about 10 feet that led to one of the fence's outer perimeters started. "Security is around 30 men strong. That is a lot, but expect them to be well armed. AK-12s, maybe even Western weapons. HVT is expendable, remember that- we want a data drive, and to back it up via the online network. After that, we get away from here, as quick as possible." Markus said in his strong Bavarian accent, his visor up, as he moved to a tree, before a significant dip, their position at the edge of the pines overlooking the mansion as good a view as any. The Caspian Sea simmered beautifully, sun reflecting in the distance. from this position a nice sight. But not their priority. "Fence isn't electrified, I think." He said, chuckling, as he looked over, a look between the two just shared in a particular way. "Then...well, we'll try and breach the side entrance, kill anyone inside, get to work with the data and poof! We're gone, ja?" Markus said, cocking the F2000, as he readied himself, looking over the rest of the building he could just make out. They had a good opportunity here, on this cloudy morning in Iran. And this time, he took the iniative, running forwards and sliding down the sandy embankment, down to the base of the gate where he already had began setting down the acid spray, to cut the fence's links and get inside, to go do what they had to. The security detail wasn't outside, perhaps mainly at the back. So they had a good chance. This guy's modernist villa was beautiful, but it wasn't going to remain bullet free forever. So long as they took their time, Markus knew there was a good payday, and they'd cap one more affilate motherfucker.