[b]Alas Prime[/b] Fergus was being taken to the palace, but on orders of the guards was redirected elsewhere. He was taken to a hotel-looking place, and Basil stepped in. "Fergus, I'm sorry but the decision has been made to invade Earth. Recent events there and more thinking by the Immortals about your past history have determined your species to violent to continue on their own. You will remain here till further notice." spoke Basil. [b]Earth, about a hour after Emily's message[/b] Suddenly without any response to Emily's message the entire 2nd fleet arrived, and looked prepared for war. "Emily, this is Admiral Tuvuru of the 2nd Fleet, with the recent actions and with study of much of the Terran's past history the Immortals have determined there to violent to continue on there own. We shall begin a full military occupation, and your help is requested." broadcasted a message to Emily's ship. As soon as the broadcast was done the fleet moved in and began striking at the Terran's defenses, the Dreadnought and Battlecruisers remained out of the fighter however. Auxiliary craft deployed fighter and bomber wings and began fighting the Wing of Gliese, however rather then destroyed they merely disabled them and captured them, bring them to prison cells aboard the main Dreadnought. Troop carriers began moving to the surface, focusing on taking out military centers. Waves of armed soldiers fired on those who attacked, however those who surrendered were merely captured. Iscandarian Gunships blazed across the surface, as siege tanks setup and fired balefire rain down upon Terran soldiers. "We are so sorry, but this is a must. You are to violent to continue on your own, you need guidance." broadcasted a message in all frequencies across the Earth. [b]Sazkarjhit Colony Near Sol[/b] "Excellent, we shall begin construction immediately" The freighters divided in half as one half went to the planet's orbit and one to the asteroid field and began setting up mining posts as well as the station for shipping and living quarters for non-sazkarjhit personnel. A few prospectors went down to the surface, looking for a place with sufficient metal.