2spooky: Caelyn knew the moment that they arrived in the hospital that they were going to all have to split up. He had no idea where the morgue was. But the fact that this fog had crept in even to the hospital was an eerie feeling indeed. The officers did a great job repelling the undead. So well, that Caelyn hadn't actually engaged an undead Natrelmon yet. Caelyn knew from his time being out on his own that fog liked to settle low to the ground, so maybe by getting up some floors he could get above it and find his bearings. "Yea, you keep the dark-ass creepy hall. I'm going to go up the steps." With that idea, Caelyn climbed and he looked to Fang for assistance. "Fang, can you get bearings in here with your abilities?" The violet bat perched on Caelyn's shoulder and let out a screech, but the sound seemed distorted like the fog was running interference. "Ok, Fang. Thanks for trying friend come back in here. Eishund come out." Caelyn knew that if he couldn't see through the fog that maybe Eishund's amazing nose could smell out the cadavers. If nothing else, Eishund's presence kept Caelyn feeling a bit more secure. "Oh big surprise, more creepy ass fog on this floor. Well I guess we keep going up!" Eishund let out a bark of approval. Caelyn pushed open the door on the 3rd floor, and it made a creak as if it wasn't maintained well. He cringed. "Damn more fog here too. I guess we can search this floor for the morgue and work our way back down, you ready girl?" Eishund let out a bark that turned into a low growl. Someone or something was here, and Caelyn was ready to fight.