[b]Near the Pearl Fleet[/b] This raid had been successful, more so than the others, and the Ethereals were well on their way to finishing up this task. As they prepared to disembark, a team of Sisters lead by a Matron followed the biological detectors recently installed in them, towards the bridge, to try and collect the rest. They gathered around the door, one of the Constructs firing a small mining laser through the crack, flashing blue as the concentrated heat melted through the door with ease. Slowly, the spot of light traveled down the door seal, ticking down as the Ethereals prepared to ambush. Then, they detected the Alarai ships, from the Cruisers, and froze. New contacts, unlike any encountered before. There was no chance the Cruisers could destroy the entire fleet, yet they had to complete their objectives. After some time, the Squad turned, joining the others in the retreat back to the Cruisers. They couldn't risk losing their progress, and the much needed organic replacements they already had. [b]UE-2231-H[/b] "There. Under the ice." The War Maiden lowered her hand, having found the entrance to the ancient holding ground. The problem was that it was under five hundred feet of ice, which could take a while to dig through. She failed to notice the small Iscandarian squad observing them from a ridge, and proceeded to clear the ice in a much more violent fashion. With a flick of her hand, a glowing white glaive like weapon materialized in her hand, and was lazily pointed roughly at the entrance. Flashing brightly, a stream of ice erupted from the ground, followed by an explosion as the door was blown to fragments. Chunks of permafrost and solid ice rained down all around the area, as the other Constructs braced themselves against the shock wave, even the Amazons had to dig their feet into the surface. The War Maiden, however, moved unflinching, and barked an order. "Quickly, send the Dolls in first. We will follow, and let them set off any traps." What moved out from the group looked strangely organic, an actual living life form. Several of them scuttled towards the entrance, some dragging their weapons and knuckles as they moved like some sort of primate. They were stick thin, the skin stretched tight over their bones, giving off an overall emaciated appearance. Plates of metal coated certain limbs and joints, with the top half of the face covered in a pattern of symmetrical metal frills, which flicked out in a fan shape and seemed to taste and sniff the air. One suddenly stopped, and looked towards the hill, teeth bared and showing off horrible metal gums, the face plates glowing a light purple as it sniffed towards them, growling and trying to find what it thought it had observed. It was an Iscandarian. At least, it once was.