Aurellius looked behind himself as he finished wiping off his face with a handkerchief. Flecks of blood that had once been there now covered the rag and not his precious looks. He had noticed the awakening of their Little Miss Leader, and grinned slightly. "So she's finally awake, eh? Took yeh long enough. We've been wasting time here waiting for you to recover. How the hell'd you get so messed up, anyways?" "Using a large amount of aura causes your life force to be depleted in unison." She was slowly pushing herself so her back was up against the wall, in a sitting position. She shivered from the dream she'd had. "What's the plan?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Weeelll, while you took the time to take a nap, I came up with a glorious battle plan. Step One: get into the enemy base and steal their shit. Great plan, eh?" he said, chuckling. "And as far as I can tell, Step Two is 'don't die.'" Aslin added, leaning against the wall. "Idiot. You didn't take into consideration the enemies nor plot the interior's defenses. Step one would be trying to get a good look at the guards, and if we're going to steal their things, a distraction would not go amiss." She explained, shaking her head. Aslin chuckled, then did a strange gesture with her hands. She put her right hand up high. "The joke." She then placed her left hand down on the floor. "Your head." "Joking in the face of death seems like an easy way to let it reach you." She commented, trying to rise from her sitting position. "It's also a good way to avoid traumatizing stress and keep calm in danger. I'd rather be a bit snide and alive than serious and crying in a corner somewhere, honestly," Aslin added, nonchalantly. Nico rolled her eyes. "We have a mission, I'm more than alright with finishing it and moving on. That's what matters here, that's why we're on the battlefield. I'll hold on to those jokes until we're safe at home." "Now, now, ladies. Fighting is bad for the group." Aurellius said in a bit of a sing songy voice. "I had an actual plan, you know. Its a pretty simple one, but effective." He stood up, dusting off his pants as he got off the ground. "I'll lay us all down a distraction. I saw a couple of their bigger vehicles and there is a thing called fuel tanks. Bullets and them don't really go well together." He winked. "While I'm doing that, you three will truffle shuffle all the way to their humvees and grab one for us. After that... we improvise." "I say we wait until nightfall, then. I'm really good at hiding in the dark," Aslin chimed in. "That'd be smart, I can see better than the soldiers can in the dark as well." Nicoletta added. "Haven't we already wasted enough time already? And besides, we haven't even asked Bookworm of his opinions." Aurellius said with a sigh. Esprum had sighed as well. "It isn't like we really have a better plan." 'Though, I doubt this'll work anyways.' He silently scoffed. "See? Aethen agrees, we wait until nightfall," Aslin adamantly replied. "Esprum." She frowned. "There's more to your opinion. What would you rather we did?" "I don't see what's wrong with walking." He shrugged. "Now that's just boring. Very boring. Don't you think it might be a little bit fun to break into a base, steal a sick-ass humvee, and get chased for a while and in the end get away perfectly fine?" Aurellius said with a grin. "I highly doubt we will get away perfectly fine." "He does bring up a good point. We need to weigh how useful it will be to us in getting the Harbinger to how much it will take for us to get it." She nodded. "Well," Aslin chimed in again, "Do we know how big this relic we've been sent to find is? It could be too large to carry by hand." "We also need a ride home, you know? Our airship kind of got blown up." Aurellius said with a bored expression. "And, without a single doubt, there isn't a better way to go about getting a ride?" Nicoletta said with a stare. "Do you see some kind of taxi service around here?" Aurellius quipped. "Think Aurellius. How many of them are there, and what are the chances of elite personnel being in that building? I'd say both are pretty high numbers." Nicoletta crossed her arms. "How do you plan to get the distraction out?" "Okay. First of all, there's gotta be at least thirty in that base, tops. They've got maybe one or two big leaders. As for the distraction, you just leave that to me. I'm [b]good[/b] at making distractions."