[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] Observing Nympha's reaction to Sacha in mere amusement, she could relate to her feelings. The blush on her cheeks and how she rushed to his side once danger presented itself. The little witch seemed to be well acquainted with the people of this household and it made her to think that this was even more set up than she had thought. The summoning of the turtle dragon in order to speed up the process in having them run in a frenzy towards the destination and also plotting for the guides to be held back by the beast in order to make them even more vulnerable. Things were getting quite fishy indeed, but she willed herself from expressing any suspicion. Meanwhile, a wheezing and strained inhale and exhale of air demanded her attention as old Ran caught up. Patting his back softly, she wished she could offer him some water since he was out of breath, but that would have to wait. "Plan? Why, were going to sit down and have some tea with them," she replied as Mr.Cuddles appeared from inside the home. She eyed Inadi with anticipation and made sure to be a good mediator in case he freaked out or something. Riley was the first to throw down the cold fish at the bear's feet and she couldn't help but wince. When the giant teddy stated that the hooded figures were harmless she couldn't stop herself from snorting. "Good people. Yeah, sure. Good people who steal and attack their own kind..." she muttered to herself in criticism. Suddenly, more Nobodies burst from within the home and all held faces she recognized from past quests and events. Now things were really getting confusing. More food was set down on the table, and Jasper mindlessly poured a glass of liquid and gave it to the panting Ran with a puzzled, far-away look on her face as she tried to grasp a handle on the situation. The question about Leon popped up and she felt her stomach churn. Luckily, the so called 'C' finally showed up and interrupted her thoughts from possibly giving her an emotional moment right there and then. Once everyone settled in around the table, she would normally have a healthy appetite for sweets, but at that very instant, she just felt like throwing up. When C spoke up about asking them to join their group for whatever cause they had, she clenched her fist at the sheer stupidity of the offer. Ace was the first to question them and she jumped right in. "Well, first of all, can you clarify what exactly you're trying to invite us to? What is the purpose of this little clan of yours anyway?" She interrogated them bluntly, suppressing impending irritation that was trying to invade her tone. The worst thing that could happen is for someone to make a remark rude enough to set off a war around the dinner table.