[center]Khan, Uicle, and Pyx: Back at the College around Noontime[/center] Khan had taken his medicine, but the bitterness didn't vanish with the tea's flavor as he swallowed his potion down. He shuddered and with his larger frame, he knew he looked rather humorous if anyone passed by. After the harshness had faded some, his eyes floated to a paper in his grip while he overlooked the supply list. It took a moment but finally he registered the request's original owner, Uicle, for materials which would be used for classes. Something seemed rather off with it. Unknown to the teacher, a student anyonomously had added extra to the list and more joking items to the list making it seem more like a witch's brew then supplies. He sighed in annoyance then spoke to Rathel. [i]'Rathel.'[/i] [i]'Yes?' [/i]Answered the plant like demon, his figure out of sight but well within range should Khan need him. 'What is it Khan? Another task? Did you take your medicine like Lucilia told you first?' A pause stretched for a bit followed by Khan's admitance to caving into the vampire's demands, his hand placed the paper down as it began to slide away. In a few moments it was gone from sight...likely off to seek the very vandal and make a bit of mischief. [i]'Yes, now can you tell me where Uicle's at?'[/i] [i]'He's currently in the courtyard, near the college entrance, repairing a Golem. One of the gargoyle who have been rather...ill tempered of late.'[/i] [i]'Alright, I can use the walk anyway.'[/i] Khan finished, his hand reached for his cane and shifted out of his chair. His weigh leaned heavily to one side when he moved around the desk, his steps slow and steadily, and made his way to the door. His hand reached out to grasp it then paused at Rathel's voice re-entering into his head. [i]'Khan?'[/i] [i]'Yes, Rathel?'[/i] [i]'Keep in mind who you are.'[/i] Khan smiled, his hand stirred to life again, the door opened while he started to the courtyard. Each flower he passed turned in his direction and seemed to watch him closely through Rathel's influence. Most others would've had their neck hair stand on end but Khan knew his demon's intentions were strictly for his wellbeing. Sunlight glaring from above hit him hard enough to make the Esyire squint, his hand held up to shield his eyes scanning for Uicle. It only took a bit for him to see Uicle hunched over to mend a Golem, its wing seemed to have broken off at the wing joint while the animated object seemed to whine. Shortly Khan made his way to Uicle. Uicle looked like a mess. His armor was rent and torn, crushed in several places, and his head was scrunched into his chest as if someone had hammered it down. His leg was pointed straight up, bending backwards at the knee. If he had been human, he would have been dead. Or at least, screaming in agony. As it was, he was merely annoyed. He was also grumbling to his golem. "This is what you get for trying to scare a student who was taunting you. You fly through the wall, break off a wing, and then crash into me. Granted, the only real damage you did was smash my head in with your body, but still! Look at the wall!" There was indeed a gargoyle sized hole in the wall ahead of them. "But he was-" The golem began to whine, only to be cut off by Uicle "I don't care! Tell me, and [i]then[/i] you'll get back at them. With far less damage to school property!" Glancing behind him at the sound of the cane, Uicle stood up. Or tried to at least, his bad leg causing him to crash to the floor, much to the gargoyle's snickering amusment. Smacking the golem on the head, to little effect, Uicle bent his leg back into place and stood. "Can I help you, Khan?" "Ummm, it seems something's a miss. When did your curse kick back in?" Khan asked, his eyes looked hard. Confusion was heavy in his observing expression. Then realizing his original reason, shifted the topic quickly. "Oh, yes, it seems someone has written a few extra items on your list. Currently it looked like a witch's brew more then your list from last year which, since I can't exactly spend all day in my office, I decided to seek you and get the facts." Khan shifted slightly when he had watched Uicle readjust his leg. His own twinged rather painfully as he held fast in place, his eye shifted a moment to the gargoyle who trotted off then returned to Uicle. "Also, any suggestions for how to get a bitter taste from one's mouth? Lucilia's medicine overwhemed my tea this time and now it's all I can taste." "Well, I'll explain later, but if you hear screaming from Lucilia's office, don't bother interfering." Uicle said darkly, glancing towards the vampire's office. There would be a few explanations needed, and soon. "As for the paper, I know which one of them did it. If you hear screaming from a student's room, don't worry, I'm not hurting him. Just teaching him the value of not touching other people's things." He chuckled, already making plans and orders. "Oh? Bad taste? Burn it out. Drink Dragon Spite. At least one fla-" Suddenly, a blue blur slammed into Uicle's torso, knocking his barely held together body apart. His staff fell to the ground and skittered away, while the rest of him scattered in all directions. From the isolation that was now his existence, Uicle was bewildered. [i]What just happened? That better have been an attack or...oh no.[/i] His bewilderment turned to weariness when he saw one of his Golems walking towards the staff. [i]One step and I'll cease to exist. Fair enough Aarem, one of your more creative plots, I'll give you that.Still, if someone could move the staff without touching it, that'd be great...[/i] Being airborn was something Pyx had become familiar with. It was all a matter of aim, and power. However, when startled, and not really going in the direction you intended can have some disasterous results. Crashing into the armoured mage, sending him in various directions like when she landed in the royal confectioner's butterworm cake was a little alarming to Pyx. The next shock for the poor elf was staring straight up at an Esyire, who she assumed was friends with the suit of armor she just blew up. ""Hi, umm would you believe I had a really good idea that the driver of the carriage ruined for me? I'm a new student here, there's a complex elfy name that I really don't like pronouncing. So just call me Pyx!" She smiled nervously, as several of the mages who'd been so nice to break her fall began to get to their feet." To the shock of the Snow Elf, the staff began to glow, while a massive monstah thing began to amble towards it. Her shiny sense tingling, Pyx decided that the staff would make a great trophy. Dashing towards the shiny stick, Pyx was consumed by the idea of making this her first official prize of the College! Khan blinked, one moment he was talking to Uicle then next the armor had shattered and his staff was sent flying from his grip. It was rather sudden and unexpected as his head tilted down. Lower it went until he viewed the cause of the commotion, a small snow elf who seemed to have come flying out of her carriage. A small smirk graced the Esyire's muzzle. For a moment, his mind was filled with an image of his brother, a mischief maker himself, which only made the headmaster glow deeper in his heart. Even with a side of hurt and remorse. He watched the new student pick herself up, introducing herself while she dusted off. He softened his expression to hear her slightly unnerved while she turned, spying Uicle's staff out of the way and dashed for it. Khan's eyes widened in alarm, his arm whipped out and easily snatched her shirt collar. Sadly he had moved too quickly which caused his other hand to loosen, his cane fell from his grip to clatter to the ground. He flinched yet managed to remain upright, his leg shot with fresh pain at having additional weigh added to it. Namely before it was ready. It won't hold long but at least he had stopped her. He fought the pain in his mind, pushing it aside when he spoke. "I'd advised against that. I much rather not have our Necromancer and Hydromancer teacher end up taking over your body, young Pyx." Pyx sometimes relied on pure instinct, especially when her shiny sense was in effect. Of course being hoised into the air by what-she-assumed was not only an Esyire, but a teacher at the College warning her about the suit of armor she blew up taking ove her body. "But..but I have cookies stashed. He can't have em...fine, I won't touch the shiny staff!" As Pyx made her peace with the shiny object not becoming her first trophy of the school, she noticed the member of the College was in pain. Pyx may be annoying, she may be a sugar fueled elf of wind and excitement, but she tried her best to be nice most of the time too! Well there was this one time, that she may have accidently sent an air orb under a stuffy courtiers dress...that may have not been nice. The Esyire who stopped her from being borrowed was nice though! He needed help! His stick was on the ground! This wasn't a time for shinies though... "Thanks fer the warning," upon her promise to not go for the staff, she found her feet on solid ground. Pxy had his stick in her hands and held it up towards her hopeful new friend. "Sorry for blowing up the teacher, at least he wasn't responsible for my mageblood?" Pyx grinned nervously, hoping at least this stick wouldn't snatch her body, and more importantly, her cookies!! Khan was grateful to hear the protest, though a slight bit of guilt wafted in his heart from it. He hadn't meant to upset her, but rather protect her and keep Uicle's sin level at a low. Slowly he placed her down once she had vowed to leave the staff alone, his body lowered inch by inch to the ground onto his good knee while he inhaled deeply. Ironically, all he could think about was Lucilia's voice scolding him for being so reckless. It was slightly amusing if he wasn't in so much torment from his fade injuries. After a moment, he twisted his head to see the small snow elf had grabbed his cane and held it out to him. He nodded his thanks and took it gently. "Thank you, I appreciate it and it was an accident so easily forgiven. Though I believe I owe you something shiny. Or would something from the kitchens work? I can't imagine you've had much to eat during your ride, have you? I hear Mandi makes wonderful candied chestnuts. Very sweet and one of my favorites." He managed to rise upright again, then edged toward where Uicle's staff had fallen. "First thing first, let's get Uicle, my friend, to safety. Then we'll get to know each other on our way to the kitchens. It's been some time since I've enjoyed a chat over something sweet." Before Pyx could stop him, Khan willing bent down and picked up the staff before the Golem's foot came crashing down upon it. It was likely a fast possession as he felt his body quickly seized though the exchange was equally unique in Uicle's case. Namely since it wasn't just one soul but a total of six within Khan, the five demons attached to his more domain one thanks to his runes, which would end up fighting for control from Uicle. Namely because unlike Khan, the teacher hadn't the proper runes to prevent such a hostile reaction and completely win. Uicle didn't intentionally do it. One moment he was contemplating the irony of being killed by his own Golem, the next his staff was being picked up. It was an instinctive reaction to finally having a body again. His soul rushed into Khan's body and settled in. Or, tried to at least. The other five souls in Khan's body had a...disagreement with Uicle just suddenly moving in. They tried to fight. Uicle had to overpower them, before they overpowered him. It wasn't easy, but he had resisted the God of Evil for...he didn't actually know how long. What seemed like centuries. Regardless, he kept them from winning, and then proceeded to look around. Both at the physical world, and Khan's mind. [i]You know, it's been too long since I've been able to feel...anything. Is that pain in your leg? I've nearly forgotten it...before we go anywhere, my dear stupid headmaster, I need to do one thing that I've missed while being a suit of armor...[/i] Uicle made Khan scratch his nose. [i]That's a novelty that I will forever miss! You can't scratch armor. It just makes a loud noise, doesn't do anything, and makes people look at you weird. Oh, also, may I suggest that you clean up your mind a bit? It's starting to look like mine. You know, guilt, slight depression...hmm is that temptation? Tsk, tsk, that Aramir is far to young for you.[/i] [I]'Uicle.... She's merely good company. It's not like you've been able to join me for tea after all, and Lucilia's too busy for such tasks.'[/i] Khan spoke in a light hearted, amused tone. If he was able, his eyebrow would've rosen and a playful smirk would've been pasted on his muzzle. Uicle was perhaps having a tad too much fun being in the mind of Khan. The fact that he knows it doesn't change anything, of course. [i]I can have tea. You'll just have to clean the mess up later. Also, 'good company' is what is said about whores too. I suspect Aramir is more classy than that, but hey, if you're-[/i] [i]'Uicle... If you're going to be prying in my head, my memories, at least be civil to the students.'[/i] Khan's tone made it very clear he had hit a nerve, one which was mostly hard to reach. [i]Fine. No more slandering the Snow Elf's good name. Though, you do know, if I wasn't civil, Alaira would have been killed months ago.[/i] [i]'And I've yet to show mine. Unless you rather I give you the same kindness as I do Kudd?[/i] Khan threatened as suddenly Rathel's voice surfaced, his concern filled the inside of both minds. [i]'Khan... calm down. Uicle's just over energic because you took up the staff, I'm sure he's not meant any harm with his comments. Certainly not on the same level as Kudd did with his recent attack, or his little-[/i] Khan's ward suddenly came slamming down, cutting off Rathel's voice before it could finish. Silence was all that was hear from the demon as it was uncharacteristic of Khan to show such aggression toward Rathel, the mildest and most trusted of the other souls within him. Now Uicle was concerned. Gone was the teasing tone. [i]Khan...there's something you're not telling us, isn't there? Something to do with Kudd. What happened?[/i] [i]'Nothing... it's nothing to be concern about.'[/i] Khan answered trying to ease the mess he had created, his mind readied a ward to slam down and shut off Uicle for a moment. [i]You realize we've left the student currently buffled as to what happened? Not the time to deal with this.'[/i] [i]We're not done here. I don't need to remind you of what happened when I gave into the temptation of offered power, do I?[/i] He left it off at that, however, turning Khan's head to look at Pyx. "Well, come on then. We need to deliver you the sweets Khan promised you. And then I need to decide if I should steal your cookies in repayment for destroying my body." Uicle had Khan hand the staff to the Golem who had nearly stepped on it, transitioning from one body to another with relative ease. In a new, towering body, Uicle glanced down at the two of them. "Also, a word to the wise, Headmaster. Have a Golem pick up the staff next time. Not that I didn't enjoy the visit. As for you, mrs. Fly through the air and Destroy Things, what should be a good recompse for destroying me?" Pyx was puzzled at the interaction between Khan and the staff of the man she "accidently" crashed into. Well accidently crashed into after bouncing off the other students is the more proper term. She was about as magically attuned as a ground squirrel, but even she knew there was a pretty interesting intereraction with that staff. Although her sense of sort-of-self preservation, and maybe a spark of that god that was interested in saving her left foot advised her she shouldn't ever touch that staff if she could help it! As the staff was passed to a large metal monstah from the Dragon who promised her sugar, the creature addressed her directly. Although the title of "Fly though the air and destroys things" sounded kind of like a great title to hold. Probably meant that she'd be expected to crash into more things, and if it was as solid as the suit of armor guy she landed on. It may be a problem... "Ummm...not rilly sure what would be a good way to say sorry fer makin' you explode." Pyx stammered as she looked about for possible shiny offerings to the grouchy exploded guy. She recalled the mention of candied chesnuts, but those were tasty...and did the grouchy exploded guy even have a mouth? Hmm probably not... "Would a good recom..recompen...that thing be to promise to not crash into you again without due warning first?" Pyx grinned nervously as she looked towards the chesnut-offering dragon for a hopeful "get out of your first incident free" card. "If that doesn't work, umm I may have some snacks I guess I could share...the great elfy rumor is Pyx is sorta fueled by sugar. So I always try to have some on me!" Pyx boasted, about as earnestly as a recently airborn elf with head trama could possibly boast! Khan chuckled, though his mood was slightly jaded due to Uicle's words, his eyes once more his own while he turned back to the smaller elf. He had a blackened feeling things might end up becoming rather terrible and Kudd's little item might end up vanishing. He inhaled while he summoned Zaad's mind to his, giving the demon an order and one which needed him to be rather quiet about. [i]'Zaad?'[/i] The sandy tone and words easily surfaced. [i]'Yeah, boss?[/i] [i]'Retrieve that vial and hide it somewhere.'[/i] For once, Zaad gave a silent answer, worry settled into Khan's mind that for once his demon was going to decide against helping the demonomancer. Finally after a few moments had passed, Zaad's voice broke the anxiety. [i]'Yes...though I don't like this one bit Boss...'[/i] With that, Zaad was off. "Indeed, Uicle, I'll remember that. If you remember right, your Golem was about to shatter it." Khan said in a firm tone. It was after his ears noted Pyx's stammering and added in a slightly more pleasant voice then his inner thoughts. "Maybe we should considered getting her head checked by Sam as well. And Uicle go easy on her. It was an accident I'm sure, besides, I doubt much could harm you in the armor which hadn't already today..." "Oh yes, due warning before you go crashing into me, how considerate." Uicle spoke in a sarcastic, if amused, tone. "And sharing snacks with me, to keep up with an elfy rumor. My, my, you are a nice little ball of trouble aren't you?" He glanced at Khan as soon as the Esyire spoke. "You could have kicked it out of the way, dragged it with your cane, any number of things really. But regardless, I went easy on Alaira and look how she turned up. The only thing keeping her from breaking, well, anything she can get her hands on, is Lyn. But, I suppose, if you insist. No using Golems to forcibly ensure that she doesn't cause massive mischief. Alright, we'll go to the kitchen, get her the candy you promised, and if she hasn't fallen over before then, get her to the healer." Just about then, a Gargoyle flying through the air suddenly clipped a pillar, spinning out of control and crashing into Uicle's back. It didn't really affect the teacher, being in a solid steel body. "Hah! Not so easy to torment now, am I you bastard!" Uicle crowed. As if in response, a large chunk of the ceiling came loose. Khan reacted quickly. His arm came out and took hold of Pyx's collar, a feat rather hard with their vast size differences, as he jerked her back towards his side. His wing flipped about to shield them both against the incoming consequences of Uicle's boost. Khan staggered to remain upright and eyed the ceiling crack and crumble, the piece much larger to make up for the insult. It came down in great force, denting the head then becoming dust which scattered enough to surround the trio. When it had cleared, Khan had only one thing to say. "Uicle, I think you pissed him off with that comment." Pyx barely had a moment to breathe after the promise of chesnuts, before seeing the winged creature caused the ceiling to crack. The tiny elf tried to come up with an escape route, a way to use her air mageblood to hopefully fling herself out of harms way. Unfortunately in the face of actual danger, the elf felt her mind go blank. Thankfully not everyone was in that situation, Pyx felt something quickly hoist her up before being sheltered by her new friend's wing. The sound of the rocks crashing against Khan's wings forced Pyx's sugar-fueled brain to start firing again. As the noise began to fade, Pyx nervously pushed the leather wing to the side to survey the mess. The cloud of dust and debris caused Pyx to lower her trusty goggles to properly see though the mixture of broken ceiling and broken armored guy. "Achoo!" Pyx gave a terrific sneeze, or what could be a terrific sneeze for an elf. A cute sneeze for anything above four feet. As a perk, being an aeromancer caused the sneeze to quickly clear the air of dust at least! As Pyx looked towards Khan, she took a small bundle out of one of her many pockets. "Umm, okie, maybe you can share some of my cookies too...thanks fer savin' me!" Uicle only had time to wearily go, "You might want to step aside.." Before it came crashing down on his head, with enough force to scrunch his head nearly into his torso. At Khan's remark, he snorted. "He's always pissed off. It's like a job requirement. Though I must say, as far as retaliation goes, I'm surprised. The ceiling chunk seems a bit small...going soft on me are w-" [i]Crack[/i] Another, larger piece came from the cieling again and crashed against Uicle once more, sending him to the ground this time. "There. That's what I expected!" Came the muffled voice of Uicle as he touched the chunk and gave it life. It dutifully lifted itself off it's master, only to be shut down by Uicle a moment later, hitting the ground with a thud as it returned to an inanimate object. Uicle picked himself up, and glanced at Khan. "Well, come on. We need to get going before the entire school falls on me. Us." "Indeed. Remind me, if I see Lyn around to send her your way. For some odd reason she's like a lucky charm with many as it is." Khan said, his tail pulled about to touch young Pyx's shoulder and encourage her to keep close. He gently took a cookie. "Thank you, Pyx, and you might want to consider what you want to drink with your chestnuts." Pyx, Uicle, and Khan moved quickly toward the kitchen. Along the way, both Pyx and Khan ensured to keep a slight distance between Uicle and them. Namely because of the poor Steel Golem's misfortune along the way, from pieces of roof crumbling on top of him to hitting every single up jutted stone in the floor, there was little that hadn't caused the poor teacher grief. There was even a mishap with the suits of armor. One's weapon had came loose and whack, it came down upon the Golem's shoulder, slicing deep enough to stick fast and be unmovable. Khan tried not to allow his snickers to grow too loud. Though he knew Uicle likely could spot him 'coughing' each time one of Aarem's rather vile treatment had turned into something rather funny. By the time they had reached the kitchen, there was more dents then the Headmaster could count and Uicle reminded him of a pincushion, namely focused in the rear. Khan went to talk to Mandi, retrieving a large plate of crystalized coated nuts, a mug of Dragon Spit, and a smaller mug with some strawberry fizz. Gently he placed them on the table while he pulled himself a seat. His cane placed to the side and his hand gestured for Pyx to pick and start eating first. Unlike Khan's ability to be subtle about his snickering for Uicles misfortune. Once Pyx realized that Uicle was unhurt, but inconvenienced by the various pitfalls that struck him, the elf was nearly in tears by the time they arrived at the kitchen. As the tray of food arrived, Pyx realized something. Since she was technically chained down in the carriage, she hadn't eaten in what seemed like an eternity! As Uicle snagged himself on one of the chains Khan was so nice to remove. Since Pyx really didn't want to risk blowing her right foot off, in case the god that protected her left foot didn't care for the right..."Thanks fer removin' those other chains. I'm pretty good at bustin' locks, but sometimes the door and anythin' else that locks attached to as well!" Of course it was more a few hours, but when you have a tiny stomache and fueled by sugar and curiousity, it was still hours!! Happily grabbing the strawberry fizz and some of the sugared treats. "Thank youf!" Pyx muttered between bites of the treat and drinking her fizz. They forgot to leave me food before sendin' me off! You know how borin' it got in there? Like three royal parties, two galas and at least one high elf weddin' all rolled into one!!" Uicle glared suspiciously at Khan (at least gave the best impression he was. The Golem didn't have any facial features.), and simply sighed at Pyx. Both he mentally consiged to the worst nonlethal revenge he could figure out. As soon as everything stopped going wrong in every possible way for him that is. For example, a butcher knife blade came free from the hilt as he walked in, and embedded itself in his forehead. Without a word, he yanked it out of his head and handed it back to the chef. For several moments, while Khan and Pyx got their food and afterwards, nothing happened. That made Uicle suspicious. Aarem just didn't let up without a strong parting shot. Soon, his suspicions were confirmed as an assistant carrying chestnuts glazed in somekind of sticky substance slipped in front of him, and lost his grip on the bowl. The most of the chestnuts landed on the floor, but a good amount got stuck on Uicle's groin area. The bowl itself bounced off of Uicle and ricocheted towards Khan's head. "Oh. Haha. Very funny. You've been waiting for that one, haven't you?" Uicle spoke dryly, then subtly used his Hydromancy to switch the liquids in Khan's and Pyx's drinks while they both were presumably distracted. Pyx found the constant instances of horrible luck for Uicle a sound of amusement. Unfortunately for her, an attention span was rarely one of Pyx's strong suits. Her sugar sweet drink being turned into the less sweet drink of Khan's. It was subtle at first, a slight tingling on her lips as she continued to munch on the treats at the table. Within seconds Pyx realized that something was very very wrong, she tried to ask Khan for some water, her voice was nothing more then a shrill squeak! She tried to wave her hands towards the others, hoping someone would pay attention to her. Khan was nursing a headache and Uicle...well did he actually have eyes, could he look at her "Oh raspberries!" Pxy squeaked as she hopped off the chair. In a slightly drunk panic, considering her size and the amount she just drank was a little off balanced, crashed into a table leg as she tried to make a dash for the water. As she toppled over, she pointed towards a rather large bottle of water and hoped someone would take pity on the poor elf to either put her out of her misery, or give her the bottle!! Khan had been rubbing his head, a throbbing feeling reached into his mind and stilled there from where the bowl had smacked into him. Naturally he had pulled his eyes from the table to cradle his horn and rub it some. It helped, but only some. Suddenly he heard a protesting squeak as she bounced off the chair then made a dash for a nearby water bottle, a clay one, sitting on the highest counter. Khan looked rather bewildered until he bent to sniff his own mug. Strawberries, a heavy and sweet scent, wafted up causing him to look Uicle. Khan sighed. It was really his own fault, his body slowly edged from the table and started to reach for the water bottle the fallen elf had jabbed viciously at. The headmaster had easily put two and two together, his hand inched toward the item. Uicle gave an innocent shrug of his shoulders, the damaged steel producing a tortured sound as it grated against each other. "What? It's not my fault she got excited with laughing about my bad luck, and accidentally drank yours." Some times there were perks to not having any facial features. He had the best straight face in the College. As Pyx danced about, jabbing at the water, he snickered, idly having giving it life and moving it [i]just[/i] out of Khan's reach everytime the Esyire got close to it. "Hmm. One of my students must have been practicing with this, and decided to play a practical joke. It seems to have worked too well, wouldn't you agree Pyx?" Pyx was capable of assorted bird-lke chirps as she prayed to the god of "preserving her left foot from being blown off" that someone would grant her the wonders of water before she burst into flames. If she wasn't still sweating what would only be assumed liquid fire, she would find a snow elf suffering from being roasted amusing for a moment. Although at this point she debated one of her air orbs towards the bottle and hoping for the best could be a hopeful option. "Maybe did...water pleeeze!" She pleaded to anything that would listen and give her water! Khan's fingers had just closed about the water when sudden, the bottle lifted again. It danced out of his reach and teased him, ever playful and Khan could almost hear the amusement in Uicle's voice. Sitll, the Eysire was desparate to gain the upper hand. Sadly he merely looked like an oversized child trying to snatch a toy from a bully's hand only to have it taken away far too soon. "Uicle, damn it." Snarled Khan, his last lounge had met with the same success as his last. In addition he felt on one knee when he tried to snatch it, grunting, then tried to rise again. Suddenly a vine lassoed the water bottle, tiny little tendrils wrapped themselves about its smooth clay surface and slowly jerked down to pour into a mug. Then another vine snatched it up then set it within the elf's reach. In moments Rathel edged his way into the kitchen looked rather blank to the scene which was frozen before him. He turned to Uicle, his eyes fixed and seemed to scold the teacher sitting and mirthfully enjoying the chaos. "Really, Uicle. I'm disappointed in you. This would be something I'd expected from a student, not a teacher. Namely one of your age." Rathel spoke in a harsh manner then turned to Khan with equal treatment. "Also Khan, it doesn't help you were snickering while Uicle's curse was in effect. I would've thought a headmaster would need to be more understanding and refrain from enjoying others misfortune." Anyone witnessing the scene would've found it rather funny a demon like Rathel, a creature of pain and sin, was scolding two for acting like...well, little demons. Uicle shrugged. "What? There is no-" He turned his head to look at Pyx, and then corrected himself. "Very little, harm in it. Besides, if we can't have a little fun we'd end up like Tyrael. You know, the man who still has a forest of Demon heads outside the College. Do you comprehend the amount of complaints I alone got? Me. The one cursed for life. That's bad. Then again, it also kept some students here, rather than alienating them their first day here. So, perhaps his methods are a tad crude. But not that bad." Rathel sighed then calmly approached the Golem the teacher now possessed. His alien like eyes studied Uicle with what seemed like something far beyond a measurement of years, or time itself. "Then be so kind as to know when to stop and try to leave the students out as a the butt of the joke.n The Archmage's choice was in the student's best interest and your actions reflect on his judgement, Uicle. At least Khan is big enough to hold his own." His head turned, but the tendrils clicked and slithered in rapid pace as a sign of worry when he caught Khan's eyes. Likely only Khan and Uicle would realize how little the demon really believed his own words when it came to key subjects. Namely Kudd. "Now, would you kindly refrain from poisoning the student with Dragon Spit? It's rather harsh stuff for a snow elf, let alone an Esyire." As Rathel continued, Uicle's memory was twitched. It was reminiscent of someone long dead and gone, whose scolding was over far more serious things but nonetheless, it brought was very smiliar. The teacher shifted uncomfortably, before muttering, "Fine." He would have left then, but staying put seemed like it would give Aarem less of a chance to continue tormenting him. As if to remind him that it wouldn't work, an egg crashed against his face. Pyx guzzled down the water as if it was the last drops she'd ever see again. As she gasped to recover some sense of feeling in her mouth, she tried to look hurt as hurt as possible at Uicle. "That was mean!!" she stuck her tongue out at the suit of armor. Of course now that Uicle had started the first prank, this unleashed a whole new level of entertainment for Pyx. The snow elf grinned mischieviously as her elfish intellect began to plot her revenge for the spicy drink. "If dis is initiation, that sucked!" She quickly snatched the strawberry fizz again, examining it carefully before deciding maybe she didn't want to drink that stuff ever ever again. “It’s not,” Khan admitted while he once more sat down, his eyes watched the elf examine the fizz then debate on drinking. His hand reached for another chestnut and popped it into his mouth. The nut was coated in a light, very sweet honey with minced dried fruit like raisins, apple, and cranberries were baked until the honey crystalized. It literally melted into his mouth until the Headmaster gave a satisfied sound at the taste then started to chew. For a moment, he enjoyed the peace simply being among the students had brought. Small pieces of peace and forgetting the temptations of Kudd and the world’s conflicts with Eania and Djarkel. The only bad part was how little he had gotten to enjoy them. Most students overlooked he wasn’t just the headmaster, but also held their wellbeing in high regards and even with his high rank, he was also a student once. Sometimes he wished he could’ve gone back to those days. A slight wishing expression had washed over Khan’s face, twisted in to a slight depressed vision until Rathel’s voice broke it. [i]’Khan? Something wrong?’[/i] Meanwhile, he also addressed Pyx’s comment while his voice held some mild amusement in his sigh. “Ms. Pyx, Please don’t encourage him or I’m afraid I’m going to avoid getting involved, leaving you two to determine the winner.”