[b]Name:[/b] Raoul No'maa [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Kingdom:[/b] Maa [b]Position:[/b] Exiled Royal [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/147/5/d/The_Little_Prince_by_Mar_ka.jpg] 5'3(in boots) and 150 (in chain mail armor) [b]Personality:[/b] Smart, but not as smart as he thinks he is. As capable a warrior as the captain of the guards allowed him to believe. And as wise as any sage could direct him to think. He's a broken boy, who is now a discarded toy. At the moment he is raw and ready for revenge. [b]History:[/b] He was the groomed spare heir under his older brother who was the first in line for the throne. An older [url=http://s3.amazonaws.com/digitaltrends-uploads-prod/2014/11/dragon-age-choices.png]brother[/url] who was cunning as he was impatient and set a plan in motion to frame Raoul for their fathers death. Unable to kill a member fo the royal family, he was instead exiled from the castle with only one possession to stand as a reminder of his shame. He chose the family sword and was ridden the the edge of the kingdom to live out his time as a beggar or bandit. For four years he has been honing himself to wait for this opportunity to become the Volukun, walk right up to his brother and gut him on the throne. [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/264/3/2/The_Marshall_Broadsword_by_GageCustomKnives.jpg] His father's blade, his birthright. Said to amplify the powers of one who wields it, but whither that is from an over-focused bloodline or just a mental focus is up for debate. A great-sword in his hands, a broadsword in others hands.