Lyn gave Meirin a happy smile, which warmed her heart a little. Despite the near-death accident, somehow being with Lyn made things a bit less stressful. But Lyn didn't follow Meirin immediately, instead seeming interested in some of the merchant's wares. If it was the weapon that Lyn was interested in, Meirin still was not going to buy it. First of all, Lyn should not be with the group if they would face demons, even if one of her caretakers was the demonmancy teacher. Secondly, Meirin had no money to purchase anything. She had spent most of her money on her equipment before the mission, and what she had was just pocket change, not enough to buy an enchanted item. But as Lyn continued to look at the wares, Meirin noticed that it wasn't the weapons that Lyn was interested in, but a decorative brooch of some sort. It was pretty, but Meirin had very little interest in items of vanity like that. Besides that, it was also likely to be expansive due to it's craftsmanship and the gemstone. Meirin picked up the little knickknack and called for the merchant. "How much for this?" Meirin wasn't much of a barterer, but she was able to trade one of her [i]Lungchuan tamo[/i] for the little piece of jewelry that Lyn had her eyes on. However, Meirin did not give it to Lyn. Even though Meirin didn't really care much about wearing jewelry, she wore the trinket around her neck on a little bronze chain given to her by the merchants. "Come along now Lyn. Let's get you inside before it gets too dark and maybe have something to eat too, okay?" The amulet reflected the moonlight through it's gem like the surface of calm water. Meirin would gently take Lyn's hand and tried to walk her to the inn. Her arms, though mostly healed thanks to the rune, was still sore and Meirin didn't want to strain them having to pull Lyn along. "Would you like some soup Lyn? I smell something really good, and I bet it's a chicken soup... With barley." Meirin took a few more sniffs in the air, and aside from the smell of booze and animals, the delicious scent of some chicken-based soup wafted through the air.