Spike was protecting himself in his shell, just in case any stray bullets come his way. He was outside the water dome, and since he was still for the whole time, the huards didnt pay much attention. The guards fired at the water, but soon realised it was unecessar, so simply kept aiming. The elementals were going to come out sooner or later. But now it was time to act. Spike's legs, tail and head came out of the shell, he stood up and violently hit his front legs against the supports of the rafters, breaking them, making the armed soldiers fall off along with the rafters themselves. Some dropped their guns but some where focused enough to not let them go. Some guards stood up to shoot at Spike, but he came down onto the ground, squashing two guards under his feet. He let out a triumphant roar as the other guards' attention focused on him a shot at him.