Everyone was able to find something relatively appealing about the Mundane's surface world, but Anon thought nothing of it. The bright daylight annoyed her, the people outside going about their daily lives, their immense ignorance of the truth. She sat upon the broken metal frame of a bed, one of the ones that just so happened to be left in the abandoned building they hid within. One single window lit up the cracked stone of what was their room, Anon stared outside at the light from what was apparently called the sun. The others found the star entrancing, but she thought of no such thing. She twirled the sunglasses around on her finger, they had given them glasses to hide their eyes from the public. It was a little strange to see such bright golden eyes on a person, and Anon's hair was different enough, she'd rather not bring any more attention to her appearance. She wondered if she was really the best fit to join this mission. The Uisilon was aware of her title, it was a rather large burden to bare. Her family was known to have Golden Uisilons in their DNA line, but Anon never imagined she would be the one to have the trait this time around. Anon didn't sleep much that night, for she lied awake thinking of the mission. She thought of how their race was belittled and discriminated against enough to initiate their assassination plan, and she didn't object it much at all. She wasn't very friendly with the other people in their group, at least not yet. Lucas would help with that, he almost always knew what to say in those situations. In fact, most of the others in their group had gone out to explore the world, she didn't want anything to do with the Mundanes. She wasn't interested in their culture, the reminder of her family's death ran through her mind. Her hair fluffed from the electricity she generated, and her anger almost crumbled the glasses she held. "You'll need those." Lucas said, sitting up with his bedridden hair. Anon's hair flamed from her surprise, and she looked over to him a little annoyed. He glanced down at the glasses, then back up at her. She then looked down at the sunglasses, the sun shined off of their shaded lens. Anon sighed, relaxing her hands, and placing the glasses in a pocket of her leather jacket. He was right, she shouldn't break them. "Sorry.." Anon apologized with a sigh, looking back out the window, tracing her finger on a crack on the wall. Lucas looked at her curiously, the shadows had warned him she was feeling uneasy of this place. Lucas, like the others, had developed a fondness for the nature of the surface, the blue sky and breeze of the air felt better than he ever could have imagined. He was troubled that Anon couldn't see the beauty of it all, for her heart was clouded with hatred - grey and angry like the ocean during a storm. Lucas rubbed his eyes with a hand, still trying to wake up. He had tried to persuade her to try and get some rest, but she refused. The others in the group thought she was just pissed about everything, and in a way she was, but Lucas knew that she was nervous. The boy swung his legs around and got up, his boots thumped on the concrete as he walked over to sit on the metal frame next to Anon. "Hey.." He started, bending his head down to meet Anons eyes. "Don't wallow in hatred, look outside, and try to observe past all which you despise." Lucas stated poetically. Anon looked at him, her eyes somber, then glanced out the window. The sun did feel nice at least, it was warm and inviting. She smiled a bit, something that the girl almost never did. Lucas grinned in response, he knew she would listen to him. It was then when laughter erupted from another room, and Lucas looked out their door curiously. "You can stay here if you want, it seems that some of the others are awake." He spoke, standing up. Anon looked over to watch him leave, deciding she might join the others later. Emphasis on might, since Anon wasn't usually very social. Lucas walked into the room where two others sat, Joon and Saiwala. They seemed to be getting along fairly well, no reason he couldn't join in on their conversation. "Hello all." He greeted with a yawn, rubbing his eyes again though it still proved to be ineffective in helping him wake up. Lucas didn't see another chair or anything so he just decided to stand.