Borderlands is the first shooter I've been any good at, haha! The story was compelling enough that I just bashed my head against a wall until I sucked less. Woosh! The Pre-Sequel's story is a little harder to follow, but it's still a super awesome game. And no worries! :D It was a good read. I've not had any pacing issues yet so far on my end. If you ever find my (horrendously slow) pacing to be an issue, please let me know! :] Haha, moooooooostly I'm going with "the weave has been hella fucked with, magic is wildly unstable and dangerous and everything is terrible", although I did some reading on the shadow weave on the wiki and I'm liking the idea of treating that like anti-matter and it annihilating with matter. WHO KNOWS! :D I'm the worst, I kind of just poop out half formed ideas and let them develop on whims in game. Oops! Midterms are finally over! *_* I did brilliantly on my physics midterm (to the surprise of no one haha!), pretty alright on my bio exam from hell, and I think I kicked the shit out of my programming one but scores have yet to be released. I had that exam on Halloween and omg it was ridiculous. I went as Carmen Sandiego as a last minute costume, and I SHIT YOU NOT, the dude assigned to the seat next to me was Waldo. It was amazing! We hi-fived. My life is such a fuckin sitcom, it's absurd. I got a bit behind with everything because my best friend from my navy days just came back from an 8 month deployment and we bro'd out all weekend. I had an interview today at the university museum for a research position and I [I]think[/I] I may have a job come next week (knock on wood!). We'll see. There's loads of applicants, but I'm super awesome, so hopefully it'll work out. Right now I'm just trying to catch up with notes and work on some stuff for my physics project on Friday. I'm analyzing the subsurface geology of the Long Valley Caldera in California. WOOSH! It sounds way cooler than it actually is. It mostly involves fighting ancient software and squinting a lot. BUT YES ANYWAYS I'm almost done with my post. I'm aiming to have it up by tonight or tomorrow at the latest.