Okay so putting up some RP's I'd really like to do. NOTE:Some of these stories are gender based others may be played with optional gender roles. Some also may require MINOR doubling but will be marked as such. [hider=+My Rules] - Please be over the age of 18 due to mature content I.E. Language, Drug use, violence, Adult Themes. etc. -Be descriptive, get immersed in the story it helps keep the creative juices flowing =p. - I don't know how this site classifies it's RP'ers but I tend to write around 3-5(5 being the most) paragraphs. Exceptions are introductory posts where they can reach up to 7 paragraphs, now you do not need to write a book for us to work together but please no one-liners, absolutely not, no way not happening. - Don't be afraid to throw me a loop within the story, I LOVE that take creative control and DO NOT let me dictate everything that is going on. - Don't just abruptly leave on me, I understand everyone has a life including me meaning we can't be online 24/7. What I'm saying is if you have to go for a day or three just let me know I can't stress that enough. - Building upon ^^^ my limit is 2 weeks of waiting without word then I'll assume that you are no longer interested. The RP will be off. Sorry - Be able to play minor NPC's as well as your main character. I DO NOT MEAN DOUBLING per-say, I just mean being able to control very minor NPC for plot-line purposes. - Building on ^^ if a story states that Minor Doubling is required then....yeah its required. - I understand some like to talk in OOC, That's cool but I'm shy xD. If you do however want to speak in OOC (About plot, or just to make a new friend) yeah sure I'll be up for it. - If you actually read this when you see something your interested in when you send your pm name your favorite book (I like to read you might inspire me to buy a new book) - I WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY PM's WITHOUT WHAT'S REQUESTED ABOVE[/hider] Okay Quick index: The amount of *'s will indicate how much I'm craving the story. In each story I will specify which role I'd like to play. [hider=Bad Girl x Good Boy MATURE***** ] Setting: Modern RP Type: Plain Jane-ish Roles: I'll be playing the girl Notes: Will contain Mature themes (IE, Drugs, Adult Language, Adult Themes) Angst, Possible Abuse *Minor Doubling Required* High school is finished and college season rolls around the corner time for a change of place and for you a time for new scenery. Moving away from the calm suburban streets that your use to to the busy and noisy urban lifestyle you definitely get what you wanted. Having a full time scholarship for playing (INSERT SPORT HERE) which scored you to all the hottest parties and biggest social meetups. But you being the good boy that you are rather focus on school and furthering your education, that is until you get invited the biggest pre-football game of the year; a school tradition really. You felt out of place all night until you spotted an attractive girl dancing in the midst of the party, gathering your courage you make your way to her. You begin dancing and laughing with her but you soon find that a few moments of fun ruins the rest of your college career because that girl was the girlfriend of the teams captain. Now its a fight between keeping your sanity at this school as it seems everyone is against you, except her.[/hider] [hider= Old Friend x Crush MATURE***][s] Pairing: FxF/M Setting: Modern RP Type: Fluff Role I'll Play: Crush Note: Fluff so plot can be developed between us but its just for a filler to have After high school you moved away from your old hometown to pursue your dreams as a (INSERT JOB TITLE HERE), but, having never told your crush your true feelings for her you feel empty inside. Sure now you have money and your wealthy, but the thrill of huge parties and meaningless sex doesn't fill the hole left by your own cowardice and you never really did find out what happen to that one girl you use to hold so dear. You decide to take a break and move back home to see the folks and catch up with some old friends, one night they want to take you out to a hot new club in town, just opened up not too long ago. Your having a great night flirting and dancing you barely notice the girl behind the bar that has been staring you down all night. You drink a bit much and come to find out your friends left you at the club. When you wake up all you can remember is being offered a ride home by a random but nice girl, unfortunately you don't even get her name. That night you decide to go back to the club in hopes of finding her, when you do you can't believe who it is.[/s][/hider] [hider= Sorceress x Other Magical Class MATURE****] Pairing: F x M Setting: High Fantasy RP Type: Action/Adventure, Romance Role: I'll be playing a Sorceress In this world, Magic is a very real thing and no secret to anyone. People are even sepreated from each other, Wican and humans. But in the magic society there is even more class separated, from witches and their apprentices to sorcerers, warlocks, Wizards and Magi; each with their own beliefs and studies. You are a wican and have just graduated from being an apprentice, and now, like every wican you head to a college to further your studies in the magical arts and decide on which faction you'd like to join. A few years have passed and you've settled into your new faction quite nicely, you've learned the rules around campus not only magical but social as well. You learn that some factions bump heads while others get along nicely. Your happy but you can't shake this feeling that something terrible is about to take place, weird things happen at night which is why the professors have banned students from walking the grounds after the sun set's. As this feeling grows you do some investigation of your own soon enough you suspect the headmaster to be a Warlock, an evil practitioner of magic.But without solid proof nobody will listen, you seemed paranoid and disillusioned. But--didn't you have a sister pupil? A girl who studied under the same master, she was a year ahead of you, maybe she can help; maybe she will listen. It doesn't matter because if your hunch is correct her help will be the only thing between peace and probably the greatest destruction you could imagine. Okay for this RP I need a few extra rules: +No GODMODDING +Yes other races are present so you may be druid, high elf etc. No Races that will give extra abilities, I will elaborate on this if need be +Minor NPC doubling may be required for this roleplay Also I need to state the class diversity in school and in society as a whole: Wizards don't get along with Alchemists,Clerics or Sorcerors. But DO get along with other magic classes; Have an alliance with Magicians. Sorcerers don't get along with Wizards and Enchanters. But DO get along with other magic classes; Have an alliance with conjurers; Magicians or Illusionists don't get along with Sorcerers and Conjurers. But DO get along with other magic classes; Have an alliance with Wizards[/hider] [hider=Pairings*MATURE*] Anything in [b]BOLD[/b] will be my role. [b]Thief[/b] x King [b]Lycan Slave[/b] x Vampire Warrior Gym Teacher x [b]Student[/b] Brother x [b]Adopted Sister[/b] [b]Foreign Exchange Student[/b] x Popular Rich Guy Father x [b]Daughters Friend[/b][/hider] Will be updated as more stories pop into my little sick yet innocent mind =p