[quote=Nicias Askani] Gio sensed his captain moving rapidly toward him, right in front of him even. He was surprised to see two shotguns pointed at him but quickly dropped into a dive avoiding the spray of bullets. note to self, multiple firearms = Mok. from a sniper rifle to two shot guns was a peculiar skill. Gio wasnt sure if it was his shikai or even related to his zanpakuto but it was becoming clear why the man was picked for squad five. or maybe not. the game was still young. it wasn't smart to assume Gio had the advantage in the sky, but it was safe to say it improved his odds. Gio flew low, weaving through people near the squad 12 barrack as he flew around its perimeter then back into the air. he would be able to gauge the captains control by seeing how many bullets avoided other people in pursuit of him. [/quote] As Gio bomb dived towards the ground, Mok scoffed as he followed in pursuit changing the shotguns to handguns as he landed in the middle of the people as Gio swerved around them. "Not a bad ploy, but you are dealing with a captain Gio." ok mumbled as he hovered his hand over Gio and then fired off multiple shots in the group of people, all the bullets curved around the innocents however and went right for the lieutenant. "So far Gio, you are looking at a twenty percent in my terms of grading your skills." Mok said as he shunpoed above Gio holding a cannon of sorts and then shot an orb out which split off into hundred of different bullets all aiming for Gio.