Bloodshot sighed heavily when Malia decided to just up and give away any and every advantage surprise might have given them, then rolled his shoulders and stepped out of the elevator behind her. Most of the goons headed for the loudmouth girl, probably sue to the fact that their other option was a huge, heavily armed and armored, ninja looking guy clad all in black, but seven of the men were still unlucky enough to pick him as their target. The first came at him with a sloppy right hook as he charged forward, which Bloodshot caught in his palm and latched onto before sweeping the man's legs with his right foot and then stomping on his face when he fell. The next was a little more cautious, taking a more or less proper kickboxing stance before lashing out with a high-mid-high three kick combo. The mercenary blocked the first with an elbow, and cut off the second and third by wrapping an arm around the leg and trapping it against his body. From there he stepped forward and blocked the man's other foot with his own, then shoved hard on the chest and sent him careening to the ground. Pulling the retracted bo staff from his back, he extended it right into the prone goon's chin and knocked him out cold as his buddies got wise and decided to come two at a time. One of them had a knife, while another had grabbed an old rusty pipe to use as a weapon. Knifey came first, jabbing at one of the seams in Bloodshot's chest armor, only to realize he'd made a terrible miscalculation when his wrist was caught in what felt like a vice. There was an impact on the back of his hand and the knife went skittering across the floor, and the next thing he saw before blackness was the rusty pipe of his buddy hurtling toward his own face, right through the space where the ninja guy was supposed to be. Freakin' ninjas. With Knifey out cold, courtesy of mister plumber, Bloodshot grabbed the second thug's throat and began to squeeze on the arteries, knocking him out in roughly the time it would take to enjoy a sip of nice hot cocoa. Give or take a few seconds. As he crumpled to the floor, the remaining three that had picked Bloodshot as their target all charged at once, and this time two were armed with a knife and one with a billy club. Bloodshot retracted the staff and set about the business of dismantling their defenses and consciousness, all the while paying more attention to Malia's fight than he was his own. He'd been watching her ever since she engaged her group, studying and analyzing her skills even as he applied his own. She was good, he had to give her that, but was she good enough to take on thirteen men at once?