As soon as Joe had left, Myztii shot out of the door and quickly made her way in the opposite direction. As she went she pulled the pin and shot the gas under foot of the crouded people who were still unaware of what was happening. A fog of smoke started lifting from the floor as she made her way through people. From the other side of the massive area, flash cannons went off. One then another. Someone screamed at the first cannon. Myztii turned, ducked through a group of people and made her way back towards the restroom. [i]"Zeds! 12 O'clock!"[/i] Looking to the soldier warning his friends Myztii froze. What to do? What to do? She glanced to the far wall behind some people that looked already shook up and grinned. Fire Extinguisher! She pulled her pistol from the holster and laid on the ground as people started shuffling around. "Dear God...dont let them stomp on me.." Just as she whispered it someone kicked her in the ribs. Groaning a bit, she shut her eyes for a moment before taking aim. She shot the center of the can. A mixture of nitrogen, water, and foam shot out like a rocket blasting the area near it. Thankfully, it was a small canister so it didn't harm anyone directly. People scattered as she hid the gun and quickly crawled away to avoid being spotted with the weapon. About twelve feet from where she was she jumped up and screamed. "OH MY GOD! THAT SOLDIER IS SHOOTING AT US!" She then ducked and made her way back towards the bathroom. Choas exploded. People started running, pushing into each other, and some even going for the armed forces. Myztii paused by the vending machine to watch as people started pushing and shoving trying to get out of the building. Soldiers frantically tried stopping the riot that suddenly broke. She held her side as she slipped into the bathroom only moments after Joe. She visually shook as she slipped to the floor. That was... terrifying.