[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/R_zps8d428bff.gif] Kituo felt relieved that the object was harmless. A key – okay he could tolerate that. He emitted a sigh of relief and tried his best to calm his nerves. He was unapologetic about the whole ordeal. He couldn’t understand how the other members of the group could be so relaxed. Kituo on the other hand didn’t want to take any chances. He was in an unfamiliar place where just about anything could happen. The tallest of their group seemed to take charge, at least to Kituo. He appreciated the assuring attitude he took towards him. Kituo rarely ever received such patience even from his own kin so for a complete stranger to console him really meant a lot. He started to loosen up a bit around the other three. They didn’t seem like bad people. As matter of fact, although they were certainly different, they didn’t seem much older than him. Perhaps they would easy to relate to later on down the road? Wherever that was. Unfortunately, Kituo would learn that a young man as nervous as he should never let down his guard so quick. Not long after he finally began to simmer did he find himself riled back up. The sight of a human skeleton nearly sent him into a frenzy. He leaped back and let out a high pitched shriek which he was immediately embarrassed about but again did not fully regret. That was the only sign he needed to know that the forest wasn’t safe. Something had killed that guy and the odds were that it was still around. He was conflicted about how the tall guy could smile when there was the remnants of a man – a human being like they were – laying right within their reach. And just when it seemed as if Kituo’s day couldn’t get any worse. “What is that?” He yelped, looking at that the root that had wrapped around the girl’s root. To anyone trying to survive, it was apparent that Kituo would be inherently useless. He was so squeamish and easily frightened that even the slightest unfamiliarity startled him. As the tall guy reached for the knife he sprinted back in hopes of creating more distance between himself and the ensnared girl for he didn’t want to be next. [i]Please let me get out of this alive![/i] Kituo whirled around and squatted, shielding his head with his arms as the tall guy reached into the cocoon. He fought not to listen as the sounds of squeaking and hissing cursed his ears. However, curiosity seemed to always kill the cat without difficulty. No matter how much he wanted to pretend like something serious wasn’t going on around him, Kituo could not completely shunt out the disturbance. He turned his head just when the snake latched onto the tall guy’s hand. Kituo winced. While he himself wasn’t bit he felt a tinge of pain course through his body. Watching alone was harmful to him. [i]I-I have to do something! M-move Kituo! Don’t just sit there![/i] But Kituo didn’t know what to do at all. When times got tough Kituo was always among those who ran and hid. He spent the entirety of his life in the shadows waiting for others to solve the problems that were both his and the world’s. Thankfully, Kituo didn’t have to intervene with the crisis for the tall guy’s strikes managed to defeat the root and send it packing. By that point Kituo’s heart was nearly exploding within his chest. His stomach churned and he felt like vomiting. He bent over and clenched his stomach as he warred with himself to keep his breakfast contained. Not giving him even a second to recover, Kituo looked up to see the cocoon’s root open and begin what was probably the most scariest scene he ever had the displeasure of witnessing. He caught a clear glimpse of the skeleton and the snake’s corpse. Kituo’s dark skin nearly lost all of his coloring. He couldn’t hold on after that. He spun around and puked. Fortunately for Kituo’s sake he didn’t see the small man get devoured. He did, however, experience an overwhelming amount of shock when he turned to see him gone. He knew what happened. He was glad that it wasn’t he was who killed. Now there were only three left in total – he, the tall guy, and the girl. Kituo was worried that their numbers had already been reduced. There was certainly safety in numbers when stuck in the middle of only the higher powers know where. All that was left of the horror was a little rat that clung to the tall guy’s back. Strangely, although everything else had terrified him, Kituo wasn’t all that afraid of the rat. He could feel its weakness – or at least what he deemed weakness – as it shook. The poor creature was drenched with blood and presumably in a state of shock. Hoping to useful for once, Kituo slowly approached the tall guy and tried to coax the rat off of him. “C’mon little guy,” he said. “Its okay.” He stopped a few feet away in hopes of maintaining some security. He didn’t expect the rat to heed his generosity – it was an animal after all. Kituo’s only goal was to try and lose the title of weakest link.