The way Aera's day turned from normal to potentially lethal was jarring. She thought she would be off to get a nice dinner and a good nap after that, but a few dead Natrelmon thought otherwise. Touching her earring, she called her own natrelmon out to aid their progress to the morgue. The undead Crowire had been taken care of by the other trainers, but there could be more waiting outside. "Crowire, Kaigara, Kujaku - it's time to fight." She joined Shio, Caelyn, Kat, Atami and an officer as they ran to the morgue. The path was blocked by beings in various states of decay - there were humans as well, and they were hostile enough to be dangerous. "Crowire, hold him off!" She pointed to another undead natrelmon that seemed ready to attack. "Kaigara, stay close by." She noticed that Atami seemed to be fidgeting with a dead body and frowned; it all appeared dangerously unsanitary. An infection didn't seem too far-fetched at this point. But nothing bad happened out of Atami's curiosity as of yet, so Aera let it slide. There were more pressing matters to attend to at this point. The group finally arrived at the morgue, but the victory was short-lived. A lethal swarm awaited them, and they had no choice but to take refuge in the morgue and hope for the best. “Bar the door... lock ourselves in here with the likely source of this. Good plan. There'd better be a good fight ahead of us.” Aera agreed with Atami - Cat's order didn't make much sense to her, either, but Atami had already vanished into the shadows by then, his footsteps the only hint to his presence. "Why the hell would he go off by himself? Does he have a deathwish?" muttered Aera. She followed him. Ahead of her was her Crowire and Kaigara, presenting a united front, while Kujaku guarded the rear.